"The record is three movements of shimmering drones, ghostly overtones and sustained consonances elicited through gradually changing rhythmic patterns played on the body of horizontally mounted guitars with percussion mallets."
Stream the whole release at www.low-point.com
wikipedia.org: "Church of Misery is a doom metal band from Tokyo, Japan. Church of Misery's style melds early-era Black Sabbath style doom with psychedelic rock." Read on
"Stacey Rozich was born and raised in Seattle, Washington and studied Illustration at California College of Arts in San Francisco. Her work varies from bold folk art in watercolor and gouache, to simple pen and ink line drawings. She loves cats and Pez."
fluxblog.org: "This eight-disc, 157 song mix is a survey of some of the best and most notable music from 2010. It’s fairly comprehensive, covering indie, pop, rock, punk, folk, rap, R&B, soul, dance, country, modern classical, ambient and electronic music, and in many cases, hard-to-classify genre hybrids. I inevitably had to leave out some things, but I think you’ll find that this serves as both a helpful guide to some of the year’s most exciting music and a surprisingly listenable series of mixes. Discover new stuff! Rediscover familiar artists in a new context! Jam out to ten and a half hours of world-class tunes! If you enjoy this, please do pass it on."
BBC: "MistaJam kicks off a two part story focusing on the most exciting new music genre on the planet – dubstep. Tracing its roots from the handful of pioneers and cult club nights, through to the first dubstep supergroups" Download here
"Not many people know that a lot of famous hip-hop lyrics actually originate from actor/director Orson Welles. We recently discovered this rare footage of Orson delivering these lines."
Future Shock is a book written by the sociologist and futurist Alvin Toffler in 1970.
wikipedia.org: "Future shock is also a term for a certain psychological state of individuals and entire societies, introduced by Toffler in his book of the same name. Toffler's shortest definition of future shock is a personal perception of "too much change in too short a period of time".
Toffler argues that society is undergoing an enormous structural change, a revolution from an industrial society to a "super-industrial society". This change will overwhelm people, the accelerated rate of technological and social change leaving them disconnected and suffering from "shattering stress and disorientation" – future shocked. Toffler stated that the majority of social problems were symptoms of the future shock. In his discussion of the components of such shock, he also popularized the term information overload." Read on at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Future_shock
Justin Broadrick of Godflesh, Jesu, Napalm Death, and many other projects joined Diane Kamikaze of Radio WFMU for an interview. Broadrick takes time to talk with listeners about his long, rich career in metal and electronic music. More at http://www.wfmu.org/playlists/shows/38266
[1] She Saw
[2] A Homeless Ghost
[3] Walking The Equator
[4] Cutting Time
[5] Bit For Bit
[6] Dropped Down
[7] Her Eyes
[8] Leaving A Century
[9] Of Time
[10] For Herself
wdr.de: "Für die Produktion von Handys braucht man spezielle Mineralien, wie Coltan. Coltan wird im Ostkongo oft von Kindern aus ungesicherten Minen geholt.
Das Geld aus dem Verkauf finanziert einen Krieg, der schon 15 Jahre dauert und bis heute fünf Millionen Menschen getötet hat. Von all dem wollen die Mobilfunkunternehmen nichts wissen." Weiter
SWR2: "Julia Mazawa stellt in San Francisco unter ihrem Label Nice Ass Records Noise- und Industrial-Platten her, die aus Plastiktellern gefertigt werden."
"Audiovisual duo Sculpture use video zoetrope record deck, tape loops, cassettes, samples, computer programming and lo-fi electronics, cross-fertilizing analogue and digital techniques to generate energetic amalgams." More