drs.ch: "Unser Job ist verantwortungsvoll, die Hobbies kreativ und unsere Meinung kompetent. Kein Zweifel: Wir sind einmalig. Zwei junge deutsche Soziologen versuchen nun dem Stress der dauernden Selbstinszenierung den Zahn zu ziehen. In dem Buch Wir Einmaligen sezieren Oliver Errichiello und Arnd Zschiesche den Individualisierungswahn: Alle machen alles, jeder verfolgt «spannende Projekte», aktualisiert stündlich seine Statusmeldungen auf Facebook, jeder ist Leistungsträger, jeder fährt Mini, jeder findet Australier sympathisch locker und Südafrikas Natur sehr schön. Darum ihre Theorie: Individuelle Exklusivität ist längst ein Massenphänomen geworden. Umso beruhigender ist es, ein Teil der Masse zu sein." Weiter
wikipedia.org: "These New Puritans (sometimes abbreviated to TNPS) are a British art rock band from the Southend-on-Sea area. Hidden is the second studio album, Features a wider sonic palette than previous work and sections played by a Czech orchestra, it was produced by frontman Jack Barnett and former Bark Psychosis leader Graham Sutton during 2009. Barnett learned music notation in order to write the classical parts of the album, especially the brass and woodwind audio tracks."
- http://www.thesenewpuritans.com
- These New Puritanson on MySpace
"Jailbreak is the duo of pedal steel/vocalist Heather Leigh and drummer Chris Corsano. The Rocker is a blast-furnace of blisteringly joyous witch-howling assaults on the essence of whips and chains and repressive injustice gone legal. Both of these magisterial musicians are capable of extreme dynamics and subtleties, but those concepts don't get in the way of this monster-truck of a record. And why should they when drums and guitar can slash and burn in a riotous electric smash fest like this crazed merry madcap of an album." Read on at http://family-vineyard.com/catalog/fv68.php
"Bastard" is #36 in The WIRE's Top 50 of 2010
wikipedia.org: "Tyler the Creator (born March 6, 1991), is an American rapper and record producer. He is the leader of Los Angeles hip hop crew OFWGKTA." Read on
- Download Bastard at http://oddfuture.tumblr.com/day/2010/12/26
"Hashshashin Chant" is a track off of Demdike Stare's Voiced of Dust LP, and is included on their 3xCD compilation Tryptych, out January 2011 on Modern Love
onthemedia.org: "Twenty years ago a series of lawsuits criminalized the hip-hop sampling of artists like Hank Shocklee and Public Enemy. And yet, two decades later, artists like Girl Talk have found success breaking those same sampling laws. OTM producer Jamie York talks to Girl Talk, Shocklee and Duke Law professor James Boyle about two decades of sampling - on both sides of the law." Read on
drs3.ch: "35 Jahre Bandgeschichte sind es dieses Jahr auch geworden. Zum Interview mit einem der letzten wirklichen Rock'n'Roll-Helden grub der Rock Special auch einige ganz erstaunliche, wenig bekannte Frühwerke aus." Weiter
drs3.ch: "Vergangenen Freitag verstarb die Musiker-Legende Captain Beefheart alias Don Van Vliet im Alter von 69 Jahren. Der exzentrische Sänger, Gitarrist und Songschreiber galt als grosser Innovator und Schlüsselfigur der amerikanischen Rock-Avantgarde.
Auf seinem Meilenstein «Trout Mask Replica» (1969) verband er Delta Blues, Rock, Folk, Soul, Free Jazz und atonale Klänge. Captain Beefharts Spuren führen von Punk über New Wave bis zu Post Punk." Weiter
[1] Come Up
[2] Moon Over Joseph's Burial
[3] Hypno Angel
[4] Visontele
[5] Interlude: Blood Rhythm With Wishy Drones
[6] Operatic Waves
[7] Closeness to Nature
[8] Negative Thoughts
[9] Death Is Not Final feat. Vengeance Tenfold
[10] International Fires
[11] Paper
[12] Deadman
[13] Interlude: Point One, Sense It
[14] Man On A String (Part 1)
[15] Man On A String (Part 2)
[16] Ice
[17] Busted Spirit
[18] Bottles
[19] New Dawn
[20] Something Has Got To Give
[21] Massacre
[22] Stripped
fourtet.net: "2010 has generally been a fantastic year, but looking back it’s the sad loss of my great friend and musical collaborator Steve Reid back in April that is one of the main things that comes into my mind. As a tribute and also so that he can be remembered I wanted to get some more of his story out there by arranging with the people at Domino Records to have this unreleased film from 2006 about the making of our album Tongues released online. The film shows footage from the studio sessions for the album but also includes live footage from the touring we did that year as well as interviews with people we worked with such as Gilles Peterson and Nigel Godrich. As you’ll see in the film Steve was an amazing human… an incredible spirit and a powerful and soulful musician."
Die 1980 in Berlin gegründete Band „Einstürzende Neubauten“ feiert in der Pariser „Cité de la musique“ ihr 30-jähriges Bestehen.(Aufzeichnung: 16. November 2010). Weiter
collectorsweekly.com: "Almost 100 years before Darth Vader and C-3PO hit the big screen in “Star Wars” in 1977, these two smoke helmets were worn by firefighters carrying out rescues in smoke-logged buildings. The black leather helmet on the left is labeled “Respirations Apparat” by “G.B.Konic Altona,” was made in Hamburg, Germany, and has the look of an African Dan mask. The brass, three-quarter face mask to its right was made in Paris by J. Mandet." Read on Read on
"This book reveals the illuminating history of the sounds that make the Star Wars universe so believable, as recounted by their creator, legendary sound designer Ben Burtt. An attached sound module with an exterior speaker and headphone jack lets readers listen to more than 250 unique sound effects, and more than 300 photographs illustrate the epic's many memorable scenes. From the first films to the animated Star Wars: The Clone Wars series, The Sounds of Star Wars is Star Wars as you've never heard it before."
pontone.pl: "We present guide to Shackleton, London producer and co-founder of great Skull Disco label, which is home to some of the most forward-looking music in dubstep." Download at pontone.pl
"A FREE 60 minute new Skull Disco mix from 2007 by DST" Sadly only in 64kbs. Download www.skulldisco.com
guardian.co.uk: "William Boyd reads a characteristic JG Ballard story, dominated by image and symbol rather than character and narrative, My Dream of Flying to Wake Island" Read on