"Seit mehr als drei Jahrzehnten lässt sich der Heavy Metal, die dunkle Seite der Rockmusik, mit all seinen stilistischen Ausprägungen nicht unterkriegen. Er genießt heutzutage sogar zunehmend Akzeptanz in den Feuilletons. Metal ist salonfähig, ein Zustand, der sich auch auf eine Gruppe von Bands zurückführen lässt, die jene Musik nicht mehr innerhalb ihrer stilistischen Grenzen betrachten, sondern sie in ein Geflecht aus unterschiedlichen Musiken integrieren. So bedienen sich "Sunn O)))" der hypnotischen Grammatik der Drone Music, während die Formation "KTL" die Gitarrenattacken des Heavy Metals mit digitalen Klangpartikeln vermischt." Weiter
25.04.2008, WDR3, 23:Uhr05, 55min
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You think you've seen it all? Stared in the abyss allready? Faces of death, parking lot heavy metal? But nothing could have prepared you for the horror of these 16 number one hits from Germany. People from outside of Germany and Austria be warned, there is even a clip by David Hasselhoff. These are some of the most disturbing videos you may have ever seen.
"The internet has transformed what it means to be a music fan. Fans can and do build communities more rapidly and successfully now than ever before, with consequences not just for their own experience of music, but for everyone involved in the creation, distribution and promotion of music in any capacity. They’re making a new kind of music scene that transcends place and shakes up long-standing balances of power between fans and the music makers. Though it gets all the attention, downloading is just one piece of this. I want to focus on the pieces that don’t get discussed as often. My goal today is to provide a big picture perspective on how it is that the internet has empowered fans in this way, what relational consequences this has, and offer some suggestions on how to foster relationships with fan communities from which everyone can benefit." Read on (PDF)
wnyc.org: "Named the best radio station in America by Rolling Stone magazine four years running, freeform listener-supported radio station WFMU plays everything from hand-cranked wax cylinders to punk to schlock-a-billy music. Station manager Ken Freedman and WFMU DJ Dave the Spazz explain how WFMU and freeform radio have learned to survive in today’s competitive media world.
Also, Dave the Spazz has edited a new book, The Best of LCD: The Art and Writing of WFMU, with a forward by Jim Jarmusch and artwork by superstars of the cultural underground like Harvey Pekar, Chris Ware, and Daniel Clowes."
April saw the release of the first podcast by autralian label ROOM40.
"ROOM40 is a record label based in Brisbane, Australia. ROOM40 has released a diverse range of artists from Australia, Europe, Japan and America, mostly focussing on contemporary electronics, electroacoustics, improvisation, modern classical and avant pop."
Hear an exclusive live track by Goem View a selection of images featuring work by Max Eastley
Hear music by Bassline producer Dexplicit
View a gallery of artwork by Underground Resistance's Abdul Quadim Haqq Download a Mira Calix mix and Watch two videos from last year's Faster Than Sound festival. Download a track by Tomasz Bednarczyk, on Lawrence English's Room 40 label.
Ashtray Navigations
wikipedia.org: "Ashtray Navigations is an English psychedelic noise project centered upon Phil Todd, active since 1991. Whilst the music evades easy catagorisation due to variations in sound, approach and personnel, it often incorporates extended droning and lengthy guitar pieces." Read on www.myspace.com
Hi God People - Shortwave Children
archive.org: "improvisation tempered with layered, droning vocals that create an atmosphere of primitive devotion." Download here - Some more info
Li Jianhong
LI Jianhong is one of the most active chinese noise / Improvisation in Mainland China. Li Jianhong
Aaron Martin
"Aaron Martin performs his multi-instrumental piece (which includes a light fixture) at the March 2006 Open Cinema Screening in Lawrence, KS." More
wikipedia.org: "Wolfgang Voigt is an electronic music artist from Cologne, Germany, known for his output under various aliases on a plethora of record labels, including Warp, Harvest, Raster-Noton and Force Inc. Although widely known as a tireless producer, he is best known for co-founding the influential German microhouse label Kompakt alongside Michael Mayer and Jürgen Paape." Read on
dradio.de: "Die in Deutschland wohl bekannteste Studierenden-Community StudiVZ hat es von gerade mal 50.000 im Juni 2006 auf mittlerweile an die 5 Millionen Mitglieder geschafft. Das war für die Kommunikationswissenschaftler an der Universität Münster ein Grund, diesem Community-Boom auf den Grund zu gehen. Sie wollten beispielweise wissen, warum sich Studierende überhaupt in der Internet-Plattform registrieren lassen." Weiter
"die Internetseite gamingisnotacrime.de hat eine kleine "Sprechstunde" mit der SPD-Abgeordneten Monika Griefahn arrangiert. Am 7. April 2008 ab 13:00 Uhr haben die angemeldeten Nutzer die Möglichkeit im Forum alle möglichen Fragen zum Thema Killerspieleverbot und ähnlichem stellen. Weitere Infos gibt es auf der Seite selbst." zum Forum
"Californian punk band Pennywise has a new album due March 25th. And they're giving it to you for free. They're teaming up with myspace and will offer the album The Western World via download for two weeks at no charge. They haven’t specified the quality of the free audio files yet. You can get more info at the Pennywise myspace page.
via triple j
BBC: "Pirates are not just peg-legs, parrots and pistols. In this three part series, Nick Rankin finds out how they have adapted to changing times.
From Black Beard to bandits who trail the coasts of Somalia, he takes a journey through history looking at pirates of the past, present and future.
He also looks at the issue of modern-day piracy, from illegal downloads of music and software to counterfeit DVDs."
Listen/download here
"Mary Anne brings the best from the Bloc Weekend 2008 with live sets from Oris Jay, N-Type, Milanese, Christ, Kode 9, Rustie and the legendary Karl Bartos from Kraftwerk." Download here
"Podcast from ex-Wolf Eyes Aaron Dilloway, features William Burroughs explaining how audio tape cut-ups can tell the future and Mick Jagger wilding on Moog synthesizer for Kenneth Anger’s 1969 film, “Invocation of My Demon Brother."