kuechenradio.org "Jürgen Tautz ist Deutschlands bekanntester Bienenforscher. Im Bienenzentrum der Universität Würzburg versucht der Professor dem Superorganismus Biene auf die Spur zu kommen: Wie finden Schwärme neue Nistplätze? Wie koordinieren sie die Beheizug ihrer Behausung? Wie schützen sie sich in der warmen, nahrhaften Enge gegen Krankheiten? Wie beschließen die Arbeitsbienen die Zahl der benötigten Drohnen und teilen dies der Königin mit?" Weiter
"Virginia trio Labradford creates ethereal drift music which incorporates ambient noise, Spaghetti Western soundtrack sounds, chamber pop, and avant-experimental tendencies, arriving at a dreamy, intensely meditative sound which feels like the soundtrack to a period of suspended animation." Read on at www.epitonic.com
Shobaleader One is Squarepusher's new band project - read a Q&A with Squarepusher at http://warp.net/records/squarepusher/watch-megazine-video-squarepusher-interview-shobaleader-one/
"Analogik is a band from Denmark focussed on mixing traditional music such as balkan, polka, jazz and so on, with electronic music, hiphop and other genres we think are great."
abc.net.au: "With worldwide book sales topping the 100 million mark British author Roald Dahl is arguably the greatest force in children's literature in the 20th century. The dark fantasy world he created in books like The BFG, Matilda, James and the Giant Peach, The Witches and of course, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, left an indelible mark on his young readers, and influenced a generation of children's writers like JK Rowling." Read on
wikipedia.org: "Babylon Fields was a proposed television series that featured reanimated zombies as characters. Rather than being portrayed as malevolent monsters, however, the recently deceased return to their homes and attempt to pick up their lives." Read
“Mr Scruffs DJ set at the Ninja Tune XX party at Koko, London on the 2nd October though some tunes he did played at Band on the Wall a week later this set is more compact lasting just over two hours.”
southernlord.com: "For the first time ever the debut recordings of Earth are available in one concise, beautifully documented capsule. " A Beaurocratic Desire for Extra Capsular Extraction" contains the entire 1990 Smegma Studios sessions which are the debut recordings from Earth. Previously available scattered via the "Extra Capsular Extractions" EP and "Sunn Amps and Smashed Guitar" CD." Read on
handcraftedfilms.com: "Upon its completion in October 1958, the Union Tank Car Dome, located north of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, was the largest clear-span structure in the world. Based on the engineering principles of the visionary design scientist and philosopher Buckminster Fuller, this geodesic dome was, at 384 feet in diameter, the first large scale example of this building type." Read on at www.handcraftedfilms.com
14 - The Tomb
13 - The Book
12 - Pickman's Model
11 - The Hound
10 - The Festival
9 - The Picture in the House
8 - The Colour Out of Space, part 2
7 - The Colour Out of Space, part 1
6 - Nyarlathotep
5 - What the Moon Brings
4 - Dagon
3 - The Cats of Ulthar
2 - From Beyond
1 - The Beast in the Cave
wnyc.org: "Laurie Anderson is many things – songwriter, violinist, electronic musician, vocalist. But she is first and foremost a storyteller. Her latest work, Delusion, is about memory and identity, told with her typical blend of wit and wisdom. She’ll play live in the studio." Read on
dradio.de: "So wie Gene kennen Gerüchte eigentlich nur ein Interesse: weitergegeben zu werden. Was sich früher von Mund zu Mund und bestenfalls im Tagestakt der gedruckten Zeitung verbreitete, kann sich heute nahezu lichtschnell im Internet fortpflanzen. Clevere PR-Berater und Geldmarktkriminelle nutzen das längst." Weiter
thewire.co.k: "Recorded in the Brooklyn studio Seizure’s Palace, Life Of Love is Callers’ second release – and the first since the New Orleans three-piece relocated to New York. Sara Lucas’s precise and haunting voice, backed by the vocal harmonies and Eastern-like rhythms of Ryan Seaton and Don Godwin, give full life to “Dressed In Blue”, an acoustic folk number reminiscent of Swedish guitarist José Gonzales. Callers will be touring their new album from late autumn onwards."
thewire.co.uk: "The members of Philadelphia duo Flatline Skyline met in 2002 at a science fiction literature class, where they were drawn together by their mutual love of Eno, early Industrial music, Mute Records and vintage technology. Since then, they have released two albums; the latest, All Sound/No Vision, was released in April 2009 on Mechanoise Labs."
"Deutschsprachige Songs über den Nationalsozialismus sind ein bedeutender Bestandteil der Pop-Geschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Nahezu alle namhaften Songschreiber haben sich seit 1964 in die zeitgeschichtlichen Deutungskämpfe um die NS-Vergangenheit eingemischt. Ole Löding untersucht in »Deutschland Katastrophenstaat«: Der Nationalsozialismus im politischen Song der Bundesrepublik mehr als 300 Werke von der 68er-Revolte bis zur Gegenwart und zeigt, dass der politische Song ein Seismograph ist, an dem sich der popkulturelle Umgang mit dem Dritten Reich beispielhaft ablesen lässt. Ein wichtiger Beitrag zum Stand der (musikalischen) Vergangenheitsbewältigung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Ole Löding (Dr. phil.), Literaturwissenschaftler und Kulturhistoriker in Köln, war viele Jahre als Lehrender an der Universität zu Köln tätig. Seine Forschungsschwerpunkte sind populäre deutschsprachige Musik, Literatur und Politik sowie Intermedialität."
"In the first of a three part series, Doug Trumbull talks about the creation of various effects sequences completed for Blade Runner. In this video, he focuses on creating the opening sequence referred to as the "Hades Landscape". Watch the video at douglastrumbull.com
Featuring tracks from BOC’s Geogaddi album, the 18-minute mix was put together as a promo for the album and aired on Solid Steel some eight years ago." Read on