Win Mertens
"Since his early 1980s connections with the independent label Les Disques Du Crépuscule and film maker Peter Greenaway, Belgian composer Win Mertens has built considerable audiences across Europe for his popular minimalism." Listen to work by the polymathic Belgian composer
Jennifer Walshe
"The sounds I am interested in include those that we hear all the time but are normally considered flawed or redundant: twigs snapping in a burning fire, paper tearing, breathing, instrumental sounds that aren’t considered ‘beautiful’ in standard terms. I think these sounds have their own beauty in the way that pebbles on a beach or graffiti can have." Read on
Kommissar Hjuler
Kommissar Hjuler (born Detlev Hjuler in 1967) is a sound recordist and visual artist from Flensburg, a town on the German border with Denmark. His intensely personal style is derived from neo dada, fluxus and art brut. Many of his recordings are made with his wife, Mama Baer, and his family (two sons). Kommissar Hjuler serves as a police officer in his community and for him, spare time, art and family are inseparable involvements. He is self-taught as an artist and began making music in 1999 and visual art in 2006. "Unser Gehirn: Ein großes Bierzelt, gefüllt mit vielen satten und durstigen Trinkern, den Kleinstteilen von Nervenzellen? So hat bisher noch kein Forscher die Schaltzentrale unseres Körpers beschrieben. Der Neurowissenschaftler Michael Madeja wählt bewusst solche Vergleiche, denn er will Laien einfach und anschaulich erklären, wie das Gehirn funktioniert. Das kleine Buch vom Gehirn, das gerade im Verlag C.H. Beck erschienen ist, hat der Mediziner für all jene verfasst, die keine Zeit oder Lust haben, Sachbücher zu wälzen oder denen die Hirnforschung zu kompliziert erscheint." Weiter "Die Tiefsee - einst als öde lebensfeindliche Wüste abgestempelt - bietet neben Öl- und Gasvorkommen weitere Rohstoffe, die immer interessanter für die Energieversorgung der Zukunft werden. So liegt am Meeresgrund wahrscheinlich das größte Erzlager der Welt: Manganknollen - an schwarze Kartoffeln erinnernde Gebilde - sind reich an Buntmetallen wie Nickel, Kupfer oder Kobalt. Allein in der Tiefseezone des Pazifiks vermuten Experten 100 Millionen Tonnen." Weiter
Gäste: Dr. Sven Petersen, Meeresgeologe am Leibniz-Institut für Meereswissenschaften an der Universität Kiel (IFM Geomar), und Stephan Lutter, Referent für internationalen Meeresschutz beim WWF Deutschland "Die moderne Astrophysik hat es oftmals mit dem Unerklärlichen, Unlogischen, dem Irrationalen zu tun. Begriffe und Phänomene wie Dunkle Materie, Schwarze Löcher oder die Strings symbolisieren diese faszinierende Seite der Wissenschaft vom Kosmos. Der Münchner Astrophysiker Professor Harald Lesch unternimmt in zwei Teilen eine Reise zu den faszinierenden und immer wieder herausfordernden Paradoxien und Absurditäten des Universums." "The eminent English composer, film maker and photographer Michael Nyman discusses his original soundtracks to silent films, his new video work, and his penchant for recycling music – his own and others’.
With the advent of his own record label, MN, he has been able to reissue his back-catalogue of recorded music. We’ll listen to some of these releases, many of them film scores to both Dziga Vertov’s films and others by Peter Greenaway. Hear selections from the score to Vertov’s silent masterpiece silent “Man With a Movie Camera,” “The Eleventh Year,” and “A Sixth Part of the World.” Plus, he discusses his own film, “Nyman With a Movie Camera,” and more." Read on
"Gilles is joined by Toddla T this week celebrating twenty years of Ninja Tunes. Hear interviews with the guys that run the label Coldcut, Pete Quick & Will Ashen. Gilles also talks to Fink and reveals who is favourite Ninja Tune artist is. There’s a special guest mix from Mr Scruff, an Alex Patchwork old school Ninja Minimix and two Maida Vale session tracks from Bonobo. And watch out for heavy weight Ninja Tune music from the likes of Amon Tobin, DJ Food, Loka, Poirier, Cinematic Orchestra and Roots Manuva. Plus new ones from Bang On, Dels and Toddla T." "The Altar album is NOT a split album. “Altar” is a collaboration album between sunn 0))) and boris that is a result of both bands conceptualizing, writing and recording the album together as one entity. Both groups have stepped outside their previous sounds and created a wholly unique album that stands on its own unique ground. There are elements of each groups trademark sound within the album but true to each groups progressive and experimental aspects, “Altar” moves into a completely new dimension." "Verkündungen vom Ende der Welt ziehen sich wie ein roter Faden durch die Menschheitsgeschichte. Der Zündfunk-Generator untersucht die Verbindung von Weltuntergang und Apokalypse und fragt: Was wird bleiben? Also danach...von uns, und überhaupt?" Read on "Hauschka's work is based upon an exploration of the possibilities of the prepared piano - a playfully disruptive intervention into the preconceived idea of the piano as a pure-toned, perfected instrument. Hauschka explores and influences the outcome of his music by modifying parts of the instrument, attaching various objects to the strings to create a sound described as "a delicate, sometimes haunting form of experimental piano music".[1] Hauschka's sound borrows as much from John Cage's same-titled prepared piano works and the historic predecessors of Les Six – namely Erik Satie." Read on "You've probably heard about those gigantic islands of plastic trash that accumulate out in the middle of the ocean. But what do we do about them? If you're Electrolux, you send some ships out to gather up the stuff and use it to make chic, eco-friendly vacuum cleaners." Read on "The new "Buddha Machine: has arrived and is called Chan Fang (which translates as "Zen Room"). For those of you now in the know, this is the little box that has caused quite a sensation in recent years. A small portable music loop player - a generative music device that plays a variety of ambient sound loops to calm, meditate, commute, bathe, think, read, relax, and romance to as you so please...
All tracks were composed and performed on the Qin, a seven-string zither revered as the grand-daddy of Chinese instruments. Deep sonorous tuning and complex harmonic overtones give the Qin a contemplative and soothing voice." Read on
- The Buddha Machine in action
- Official homepage:
- Plenty of Buddha Machine remix track available via "Der "Kollege Roboter" bringt schon heute in der Arbeitswelt und in zahlreichen Lebensbereichen weltweit Entlastung. Wissenschaftler versuchen ihm sogar beizubringen, wie ein Mensch zu sehen, zu denken und zu fühlen hat. Aber wie ähnlich können die digitalen Seelen uns Menschen tatsächlich werden? Kann eine Maschine irgendwann Bewusstsein haben? Sich verlieben? Dann wären sie wohl auch ein Teil unserer Gesellschaft, oder?" Weiter
Prof. Dr. Thomas Christaller (em.),
Roboterforscher, Fraunhofer-Institut für Autonome intelligente Systeme
Prof. Dr. Dietmar Herz,
Militärhistoriker, Universität Erfurt Prof. Christoph von der Malsburg (em.)
Neuroinformatiker, FIAS – Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies
Prof. Thomas Metzinger
Lehrstuhl für theoretische Philosophie, Universität Mainz
Er ist wohl der berühmteste Atheist der Welt und zweifellos der leidenschaftlichste. Mit seiner 2007 in Deutsch erschienenen Streitschrift «Der Gotteswahn» landete Richard Dawkins einen Bestseller und löste heftige Kontroversen aus, die bis heute nicht verstummt sind.
In seinem neusten Buch greift er die Die Schöpfungslüge: Warum Darwin recht hat an und legt dar, warum Darwin mit seiner Evolutionstheorie Recht hat. Dass ein Biologe gegen absurde kreationistische Behauptungen anschreibt, ist verständlich. Doch was treibt diesen Mann dazu, alles was auch nur im Entferntesten mit Religion zu tun hat, so vehement zu bekämpfen?
Der Evolutionsbiologe und Religionskritiker Richard Dawkins im Gespräch mit Judith Hardegger, Sternstunde Religion - Schweizer Fernsehen." Weiter
This song is part of the release Britney Spears + Noise = HOT, a "concept album mashing avant-garde music (Sun Ra, John Cage, The Dead C, Pierre Schaeffer, Arthur Doyle) with Britney Spears songs." by Dick Whyte (aka artdick)from New Zealand.
Dick Whyte: "These are not remixes, as such, though I am interested in their relation to remixing. All I have done is superimpose well known avant-garde musicians over top of Britney Spears songs in the hope that multiple points of connection might be established between the two layers. I call this a rhimix. Remixes are are based on the “cut” (melding several tracks together, producing one). Rhimixes are based on the “caress” (mending several tracks together, producing a multiplicity of points at which they touch). The remix = juxtacomposition (comprised of different samples). The rhimix = supercomposition (comprised of different speeds)."
"Goldhagen is convinced that the overall phenomenon of genocide is as poorly understood as the Holocaust had once been. How and why do genocides start? Why do the perpetrators kill? Why has intervention rarely occurred in a timely manner? These and other thought-provoking questions are explored in a new documentary film, WORSE THAN WAR." Read on at
"Ninja Tune founders Coldcut have teamed up with old-school Ninja Tune acts DJ Food and DK to assemble this massive mix which spans Ninja Tune's extensive discography. Over the course of 70-plus minutes and more than 40 tracks, the Solid Steel veterans touch on the many eras, sounds, and styles of the venerable label's diverse history." Download at "The latest album from New York’s acclaimed ensemble Antony & the Johnsons is called Swanlights. Antony Hegarty, the singer-songwriter at the core of the group, joins us to perform live in the studio." Read on at
"The Travelling Salesman must find the shortest route that allows him to visit all locations on his route. Computers solve it by comparing the length of all possible routes and choosing the shortest. However, bees solve it without computer assistance using a brain the size of grass seed." Read on at "Interview mit Axel Hacke von Einstürzende Neubauten. Seit 30 Jahren ist die Berliner Band fester Bestandteil der internationalen Musikszene. 2010 soll das Bühnenjubiläum mit einer Tournee durch Europa und die USA gefeiert werden. " Weiter
BBC: "In this one-off documentary, David Malone looks at four brilliant mathematicians - Georg Cantor, Ludwig Boltzmann, Kurt Gödel and Alan Turing - whose genius has profoundly affected us, but which tragically drove them insane and eventually led to them all committing suicide. The film begins with Georg Cantor, the great mathematician whose work proved to be the foundation for much of the 20th-century mathematics. He believed he was God's messenger and was eventually driven insane trying to prove his theories of infinity." Read on "Den Reiz an der anderen Identität gibt es beileibe nicht erst, seit dem es Computer und virtuelle Welten gibt. Schon immer haben Menschen das Bedürfnis gehabt, in die Haut eines anderen zu schlüpfen, sich selber als anderen zu erfahren. Wichtig ist, dass Identität immer und ausschließlich soziale Identität bedeutet: Auch World oft Warcraft und Second Life verdanken ihre Attraktion wesentlich dem Umstand, dass sie in erster Linie auf sozialen Interaktionen aufbauen. Wer wir sind, so hat schon der französische Philosoph Jean-Paul Sartre ausführlich dargelegt, erfahren wir immer nur, indem wir etwas für Andere sind. Wir kennen uns selber nur durch das, wie andere auf uns reagieren." Weiter