"We started our conversation on how Stephen got interested in exploring science in general and eventually focused on computation in particular. Then we moved on to a number of other interesting topics such as his work on Mathematica, his monumental book A New Kind of Science, his unique computational search engine Wolfram|Alpha, artificial intelligence and the technological singularity." Read on
Die Roboter
Endlos Endlos
Trans Europa Express
Musique Non Stop
Boing Boom Tschak
Die Stimme Der Energie
Sex Objekt
It’S More Fun To Compute
Expo 2000 (Kling Klang Mix 2002)
Tour De France (Kling Klang Analog Mix)
Das Model
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- Found via "Als Kind hat Eva Mozes Kor in Auschwitz die grausamen Versuche des NS-Arztes Josef Mengele erleiden müssen. Heute hat die 76-Jährige ihren Peinigern vergeben. Nun kommt sie ins Gespräch mit Nachkommen von NS-Tätern. Darunter sind etwa Bettina Göring, die Grossnichte des Reichsmarschalls Hermann Göring. Oder Ursula Boger, Enkelin von Wilhelm Boger, der eine der grausamsten Foltermethoden in Auschwitz erfand." Weiter "Based between New York and London, and ran by Robin Carolan of the 20 jazz funk greats blog and So Bones club night, Tri Angle has, without particularly asking for it, been chosen as spiritual home for this wave of slow, hip-hop informed independent music that you’ve probably heard referred to as drag, or even better, witch house." Read on at
- Download a Tri-Angle Mixtape for "vanessa rossetto is a composer and painter living in austin, texas. she uses primarily chamber instrumentation, field recordings, electronics and a wide array of different objects exploring them through extended and traditional techniques and other methods of her own devising. "After 16 years and 10 albums, Deerhoof have never quite found their rhythm; settled into a neat, niche little groove; consolidated to the point where they could turn and churn out a few more identikit tracks and casually count the pennies trickle in.
On first listen, Deerhoof vs. Evil charms, perplexes and, largely, bewilders because its makers persist in making it extremely difficult to fall in love with them. By endeavouring to be as daring, avant-garde and, bluntly, downright peculiar as possible, they do alienate. But they also reward a curious devotion through sheer artsy persistence." Read on at "Dark Dark Dark is a chamber folk band based out of Minneapolis MN. Formed in 2006 the band has toured extensively in the United States and Europe and is known for their haunting melodies and unique blend of New Orleans jazz, Americana, Eastern European folk and pop sensibilities." Read on
Dark Dark Dark - Live at WNYC November 07, 2010 "Hailing from Minnesota, Brooklyn, and New Orleans, the members of Dark Dark Dark convene in the WNYC Studio to play their music, and talk about it with host David Garland." Read on "Demdike Stare's eerie ambient creations never felt a part of the fad. While others were dressing up for Halloween, figuratively speaking, Whittaker and Canty seemed to understand that not only is there nothing all that scary about witches, but that the true appeal of the occult is what we can't see. Like Robert Wise's The Haunting or Peter Weir's Picnic At Hanging Rock, Demdike Stare lets our imaginations do the bulk of the work."
Weltuntergänge - Extremereignisse der Gegenwart
"Das Thema der emotionalen Verarbeitung von Extremereignissen wie Ölpest und Hochwasser, Flugzeugabstürze oder Selbstmordattentate ist kaum wissenschaftlich erforscht. Deshalb wirft Hans-Jürgen Heinrichs im nun folgenden Essay nicht nur die Frage auf, wie die von solchen Katastrophen Betroffenen reagieren, sondern auch wie es um die Grenzen der Vorstellungskraft all jener bestellt ist, die mit solchen Schreckensszenarien weltweit über die Medien informiert werden." Weiter
Weltuntergänge - Vergangenheit und Gegenwart
Weltuntergänge und apokalyptisches Denken: Globalisierung und Klimawandel, Finanzkrisen und Pandemien scheinen die apokalyptischen Reiter als Avantgarde des Weltuntergangs abgelöst zu haben. Und auch in der Literatur und im Film kommt immer öfter Endzeitstimmung auf." Weiter
Weltuntergänge - Eiszeiten und Naturkatastrophen
"Die Globalisierung, der Klimawandel und die Finanzkrisen scheinen die apokalyptischen Reiter als Avantgarde des Weltuntergangs abgelöst zu haben. Der Autor Ulrich Baron hat dies zum Anlass genommen, die religiösen, politischen und ökologischen Weltuntergangsszenarien auf ihre Ängste und Heilserwartungen hin zu untersuchen." Weiter "Traditionally with fractal generation, you have to wait seconds or minutes for the image to appear," Beddard says. But the program he wrote to create the video above runs in nearly real-time -- which means that Beddard can simply plug in an equation and start playing with its visual properties as easily as fiddling with a Rubik's Cube." Read on at "Ein Klumpen, den Schwammtaucher 1901 aus einem 2000 Jahre alten Schiffswrack vor der griechischen Insel Antikythera bargen, entpuppte sich als ein mechanisches Gerät. Jo Marchant erzählt die langwierige Rekonstruktion des Mechanismus mit unaufgeregter sprachlicher Leichtigkeit als Wissenschaftsabenteuer." Weiter "Nachdem sich Strunk mit Pumpernickel eine reiseantrittsfähige Figur erhungert hat, sieht er sich kurz darauf von alten Menschen umzingelt, zwischen Animationsterror, Sugarmummys und Mini Playback-Shows gefangen. Es folgt ein Elendstripp mit Black-Jack-Niederlagen, Dokusoap-Familien, ADHS-Kindern am Strand und einem Besuch von Kenias Stammheim." Weiter "Usually relegated to the grounding end of things instead of a solo instrument, the bass clarinet has a distinct woody sound, but is actually quite versatile. For this New Sounds, we'll hear everything from electroacoustic work to chamber music, from North African to Alaskan music. Hear pieces by Anouar Brahem, Michel Portal, John Surman, Marty Ehrlich’s Dark Woods Ensemble, and John Luther Adams." Read on at "Dulcet piano tones are backed by string and horn arrangements, unidentifiable plucked instruments and the sound of the Welsh harp; often heavily processed, Retold is an album that has as much in common with experimental electronic music as it does with modern classical composition." Read on
The Library of University of Zürich (ETH) and "Deutsches Museum" in Munich host a large online library of antique astronomy books. The oldest one is dating back to 1488. All books can be viewed online and are also available as free PDF files.
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"Introducing the American artist Shepard Fairey is a bit like explaining whose portrait he famously altered for the "Hope" campaign that was widely used by Barack Obama's supporters in 2008. Since the mid 1980s he has created outstanding (then: street) art that is strong, iconic, and expressive. Shepard Fairey is also a thoughtful, committed, and outspoken activist who revives the artistic virtues of standing up for the freedom of speech and fighting for rational and non-corporate ways of dealing with the issue of copyright."
Watch the video here or downlad the video here (right click...)
"Æthenor is comprised of Stephen O’Malley (Sunn0))), KTL), Daniel O’Sullivan (Ulver, Mothlite, Guapo), Kristoffer Rygg (Ulver) and Steve Noble (N.E.W., Company, etc.) "En Form For Blå" documents the continued evolution of this unlikely collective, a collision of players from various avant, improv, metal, and “other” threads who together make a unique and arresting sound." Read on at
Signal - Zeche
Monolake - Avalanche
Raime - This Foundry
Hype Williams - ??? ??????
Siriusmo - Mosaik
Ikonika - Ingredients
Cosmin TRG - Liebe Suende
Half Hawaii - Emperors Of Venus
Gold Panda - Snow & Taxis
Modeselektor remixed by Phon.o - Art & Cash (Phon.o Remix)
Zombie Zombie - Escape from LA Main Theme
Mark du Mosch - Airforce
The Field - Sequenced
Erik K Skodvin - Graves
Hauschka - Blink