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"A monthly PDF magazine covering many different aspects of podcasting with articles for podcasters, listeners, musicians and even business people." podcastusermagazine.com

( 0 ) 03.03.06    Tag: Podcasts

Oliver Kalkofe Podcast

( 0 ) 03.03.06    Tag: Podcasts

"On the Wire is a UK radio programme broadcasting on Saturday 10pm BBC Radio Lancashire 103.9, 95.5 and 104.5 FM. It can also be heard via podcast"

Sample Playlist: "Pigmeat Markham - Here comes the judge - Chess Geraldo Pino & the Heartbeats - Let them talk - Retro Afric Tom Ze - Gloria - Soul Jazz Records Sargento Garcia - A cabal mal - Trikont AFX - Laughable Butane Bob - Warp Lady Sovereign - Ch'ching - Mental Groove The Orb - LunikTM - Kompakt DJ Koze - Barock am ring - Kompakt American Analog Set - Immaculate Kinski - Hot stenographer - Sub Pop EchoBoy - 43 - enraptured Mogwai - Friend of the Night" [...]

( 0 ) 16.02.06    Tag: Podcasts

New Video Podcast Explores Microbial World
"A new video podcast by the American Society for Microbiology, Intimate Strangers: Unseen Life on Earth, explores the microbial world and how life has evolved over Earth's 3.8 billion-year history." More info

Washington Symphony Podcasting
"The Yakima Symphony Orchestra of Yakima, WA, is podcasting to help people learn about the music that the symphony performs, and to make listening to the symphony's performances more enjoyable." More info

Video Podcasts Premiere at SlamDance 2006
"Susan Buice and Arin Crumley, the team behind the Four Eyed Monsters video podcast will be premiering 3 new episodes of their series at the Slamdance 2006 Film Festival in Utah. This is the first time a video podcast has been included in a film festival." More info

Green Head Podcasting in Australia
"The Sydney Morning Herald reports that Australian Green Party leader Bob Brown is using podcasts to let people get the Green's point of view on current events." More info

Volkswagen Using Podcasts to Promote Latest Models
"Volkswagen has introduced a set of podcasts at the Detroit Auto Show. The company said it created the podcasts to create a buzz about its new 2006 and 2007 cars, and to try and give outsiders a taste of Detroit, which is host to one of the world's most highly touted auto shows." More info

( 0 ) 18.01.06    Tag: Podcasts

I just discovered East Village Radio by googeling for "Hulk"(the musician). They are offering all their shows as podcasts!

"East Village Radio. Started in 2003 as a nonprofit Internet radio station that catered to the Lower East Side and its most pressing issues, the station is working against these ridiculously accepted radio “norms.” With a variety of commercial-free shows dealing with everything from punk rock to minimal techno to underground dance, East Village Radio is a strong force against the seemingly indestructible suck that is corporate radio." Read more

( 0 ) 10.01.06    Tag: Podcasts

Coldcut, founders of Ninja Tunes are now offering podcasts!

( 0 ) 03.01.06    Tag: Podcasts

businessweek.com: "Every Wednesday for 10 weeks, BusinessWeek's Heather Green, co-author of Blogspotting.net, talks with indie podcasters and traditional media giants alike who are trying to make podcasting pay.

The series launches with Leo Laporte from This Week in Tech (TWiT), one of the most popular podcasts online. Next week, we'll chat with Ron Bloom, who co-founded the PodShow startup with Adam Curry. He'll be bringing along Gretchen Vogelzang and Paige Heninger, hosts of the popular Mommycast podcast that's part of the PodShow network." Link

( 0 ) 21.12.05    Tag: Podcasts

"KUNSTRADIO On Air is a weekly 40 minute programme broadcast every Sunday night from 23:05 (after the night news magazine) until 23:45 on Österreich 1, the culture station of the ORF. The content of the program is, exclusively, original works for radio by artists - visual artists, "media" artists, composers, /sound artists, writers and that rapidly growing group calling themselves simply "radio artists"."

( 0 ) 11.12.05    Tag: Podcasts

  1. Broadcast - "Black Cat"
  2. Magnetophone - "Kel's Vintage Thought"
  3. Minotaur Shock - "Six Foolish Fisherman"
  4. Animal Collective - "Grass"
  5. Donna Regina - "Enemy No Enemy"
  6. Choncey Langford - "Beat Salad"
  7. Vorpal - "Track #13"
  8. Tape - "Sand Dunes"

( 0 ) 24.11.05    Tag: Podcasts

More and more I am becoming addicted to the big field of "Sound Art". I don't know if there already is a official definition of the term "Sound Art", but I am using it for everything that leaves behind the classical structures of a song or a track. Good examples are Anima by Vladislav Delay, or my all time favourite work of field recording annapurna: memories in sound. And just a couple of days ago, I discovered the great Nosordo label. Currently I am listening to one of their podcast releases, they are offering 4 at the moment plus two live recordings.

( 0 ) 16.10.05    Tag: Podcasts

br-online.de: "Fast täglich erscheinen neue Podcasts im Netz. Die Auswahl ist riesig. Wo sollte man unbedingt mal reinhören? Annik Rubens - der Star der deutschen Podcast-Szene - stellt in der Bayern 3-PodParade jede Woche die besten, kuriosesten und skurrilsten Podcasts vor. Die Bayern 3-PodParade mit Annik Rubens - immer samstags zwischen 20.00 und 24.00 Uhr im Bayern 3-Netradio." Mehr

( 0 ) 16.10.05    Tag: Podcasts

I linked to the refering sites at Odeo.com. At odeo.com you can listen to the podcasts without subscribing them.

Resonance FM: Red Zero Radio
"Resonance FM’s weekly session featuring all things blip-core, spaz-tek, storm-breakz, splatter-metal and a plethora of live and pre-recorded mentalism."

Kunstradio "KUNSTRADIO On Air is a weekly 40 minute programme broadcast every Sunday night from 23:05 (after the night news magazine) until 23:45 on Österreich 1, the culture station of the ORF. The content of the program is, exclusively, original works for radio by artists - visual artists, "media" artists, composers, /sound artists, writers and that rapidly growing group calling themselves simply "radio artists"."

The great Nosordo Label is also podcasting

Morning Becomes Eclectic
"Morning Becomes Eclectic is committed to a music experience that celebrates innovation, creativity and diversity by combining progressive pop, world beat, jazz, African, reggae, classical and new music. Recognized nationally as a forum for promoting a wide range of music ahead of the curve, the show has become a very attractive whistle stop for both established and emerging artists from around the world. KCRW now offers podcasts of some of the live sessions performed by unsigned and independent artists on Morning Becomes Eclectic."

Turntable Radio
"Turntable Radio is a radio show dedicated entirely to turntablism. Created by Mr Trick, it began life in 2002 on London’s Resonance 104.4FM, airing from 10-11.30p.m. every Sunday night. In addition to the FM airwaves presence shows were archived online, with a supporting portal site carrying news, updates, links and more from the worldwide scratch/tablism scene, and via this means the show has built up a colossal worldwide following – currently some 40,000 listeners."

The VITAL WEEKLY podcast features a medley of some of the CDs mentioned in the VITAL WEEKLY e-mail zine of the Experimental/Avandgarde label Staalplaat.

Advanced D & D with Donna Summer on WFMU.org
"Breakcore, folk-rock, death metal, dirty 70’s disco, raw satanism."

Type Radio Podcast Audio
Podcast of the Label "Type Records"

The Brainwashed Podcast exists as a supplement to Brainwashed Radio for those who can't listen all day long! Hopefully once per week, a 60-minute Podcast is created featuring a whole assortment of Brainwashed music from artists and companies hosted at Brainwashed.

East Village Radio
"East Village Radio, started in 2003 as a nonprofit Internet radio station that catered to the Lower East Side and its most pressing issues, the station is working against these ridiculously accepted radio “norms.” With a variety of commercial-free shows dealing with everything from punk rock to minimal techno to underground dance, East Village Radio is a strong force against the seemingly indestructible suck that is corporate radio."

On the Wire
"On the Wire is a UK radio programme broadcasting on Saturday 10pm BBC Radio Lancashire 103.9, 95.5 and 104.5 FM. It can also be heard via podcast"

Sound Opinions* "Take two nationally respected rock critics, the latest music news, personal commentary, and exclusive interviews and performances, add a huge pile of records old and new, and the result is Sound Opinions, the world's only rock and roll talk show." Podcast Feed

  • More

    Podcasts in german language

    Bayern2Radio - ZÜNDFUNK-Interview
    Jede Woche vernimmt der ZÜNDFUNK musikalische Newcomer und alte Pop-Helden, zurückhaltende Singer und vorlaute Rapper, Gitarrenrocker und Elektrofrickler, und ergründet, was ihr musikalisches Werk auszeichnet."

( 2 ) 12.10.05    Tag: Podcasts

The first podcast installment from Grooves Magazine, hosted by Senior Editor Rob Geary. More

( 0 ) 23.09.05    Tag: Podcasts

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( 0 ) 22.09.05    Tag: Podcasts

fm4.orf.at: "Auch FM4 gibt es jetzt als praktischen Podcast, für den MP3-Player für unterwegs. Doch was kann man sich denn überhaupt mitnehmen? Dreierlei: den FM4 Comedy Podcast, den Off Air Podcast und den FM4 Soundpark Podcast." Mehr

( 0 ) 22.09.05    Tag: Podcasts

br-online.de: "Entweder sitzt man gerade in der U-Bahn, schwitzt beim Sport, schuftet in der Arbeit oder hat ausgerechnet jetzt überhaupt keine Zeit. Eigentlich egal, die Lieblingssendung ist auf jeden Fall vorbei. Nicht ärgern, wir haben die Lösung: Ausgewählte Beiträge aus dem Radioprogramm des Bayerischen Rundfunks gibt es jetzt in Spezialausgaben zum Mitnehmen für Ihren MP3-Player. Und das neue DownloadCenter hilft beim Finden, macht Lust auf weitere Mitnahmeangebote und bietet sogar Abo-Möglichkeiten für die eigene Lieblingssendung. Alles ganz einfach und kostenfrei." Mehr Info

( 0 ) 24.08.05    Tag: Podcasts

tagesschau.de: Ab sofort können Sie die 20-Uhr-Ausgabe der Tagesschau auch als Podcast beziehen. Das MP3-Audio geht kurze Zeit nach der Sendung bei tagesschau.de online." www.tagesschau.de

( 2 ) 09.08.05    Tag: Podcasts

From the webpage of resonance fm: Resonance 104.4 fm is London's first radio art station, brought to you by London Musicians' Collective.

It started broadcasting on May 1st 2002. Its brief? To provide a radical alternative to the universal formulae of mainstream broadcasting.

Resonance 104.4 fm features programmes made by musicians, artists and critics who represent the diversity of London's arts scenes, with regular weekly contributions from nearly two hundred musicians, artists, thinkers, critics, activists and instigators; plus numerous unique broadcasts by artists on the weekday "Clear Spot".

The Podcasts can be found here

( 0 ) 09.08.05    Tag: Podcasts

Listing of many international (english language) public radio podcasts:

( 1 ) 09.08.05    Tag: Podcasts

Mein erster Podcast ! Allerdings ist mir ein „richtiger“ Podcast zu aufwendig, deshalb recycle ich lieber Content vom Deutschlandradio, welcher viele Sendungen als MP3 Dateien zur Verfügung stellt. Ein Pseudocast (meine eigene Wortschöpfung!) sozusagen.

Klickt man auf den Link (unten) sollte sich eine Playlist mit 19 Beiträgen öffnen. Die Beiträge können auf der Homepage des Deutschlandradioauch runtergeladen werde, einfacher geht's indem man die Playlist mit einem Texteditor öffnet, hier findet man sofort alle entsprechende Links.

Vielleicht packe ich nächstes mal noch Musik rein, mal sehen.

playlist01 (audio/mpegurl, 1 KB)

1.Podcasting als Alternative zum Radio
2.US-Regierungsstellen beliefern TV-Stationen mit PR-Filmen
3.Filme der Woche "L.A. Crash" und "Bon Bon"
4.Jenseits der Scientology-Hysterie
5.60. Jahrestag der Atombombenabwürfe auf Hiroshima und Nagasaki
6.Für einen Atomausstieg in Bulgarien
7.Krankheitserregern im Wasser auf der Spur
8.Sanfte Roboter
9.Humaner als der Mensch
10.Irans Kulturschaffende über den neuen Präsidenten Mahmud Ahmadinedschad
11.Podium: Jugend und Demokratie im Reich Putins
12.Der "Helge Schneider Finnlands
13.Aktivisten schaffen Gegenöffentlichkeit mit billigen Videokameras
14.Eichhörnchen auf Ecstasy - Die Medien und die Papst-Wahl
15.Die Manipulation der Musikcharts ist nicht neu
16.Primetime in Mexiko - Die enorme Reichweite der Telenovelas
17.Cineworld in Lünen zeigt keine Werbung mehr
18.Wim Wenders über sein filmisches Schaffen
19.Russlands Jugend und Demokratie

( 0 ) 04.08.05    Tag: Podcasts

Allerdings werden nicht vollständige Sendungen, sondern nur eine Auswahl an Interviews angeboten.

Mehr hier: www.dradio.de

( 0 ) 28.07.05    Tag: Podcasts

netzwelt.de: Im August werden sich einige Podcast-Produzenten zum Verband deutschsprachiger Podcaster zusammenschließen. Der eingetragene Verein soll die Interessen der Download-Radio-Aktivisten vertreten und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit betreiben. Netzwelt sprach mit Gerrit van Aaken von Loudblog.de über seine Motive zur Mitarbeit." Mehr

( 0 ) 22.07.05    Tag: Podcasts

Vital Weekly, the CD-review mailinglist from the staalplaat label now comes with a podcast.

staalplaat.com "Vital Weekly is an e-mail magazine, which appears 48 times a year and has the latest cd-reviews and news on concerts and festivalsVital started in 1987 as magazine on paper. It's simple xeroxed form ensured a free copyright and everybody was encouraged to make copies and distribute them freely. Up until 1995 44 issues were made and with the arrival of the Internet, Vital changed into a pure review newsletter and since then it appears weekly. Still as a free service and still without copyright. In the future we hope to get the old paper issues online too."

( 0 ) 09.07.05    Tag: Podcasts

Just kidding, everyone is talking about them, everyone is using them, but I only know two interesting ones:

( 3 ) 06.07.05    Tag: Podcasts

onlinejournalismus.de: "Wolfgang Harrer, freier Korrespondent und Online-Journalist in San Francisco, ist ausgewiesener Experte für die Integration von Audio-Inhalten in Netzangebote. Im Gespräch mit onlinejournalismus.de berichtet Harrer über seine praktischen Erfahrungen mit Podcasting – und warum sich deutsche Medien bei neuen Technologien gerne taub stellen." Mehr

( 2 ) 06.07.05    Tag: Podcasts

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