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Great song and video by Midnight Juggernauts a electro/indie band from Melbourne, Australia

( 0 ) 05.07.07    Tag: Misc

Description: wikipedia: "Project Jenny, Project Jan is a band from Brooklyn, New York. The band consists of singer Jeremy Haines and programmer/keyboardist Sammy Rubin. Formed in late 2004/early 2005, they have self-released one EP in 2005, as well as several other songs through their website. Influenced by varied bands such as Aphex Twin, Basement Jacks, and the Gorillaz, Billboard called the band a "shockingly dynamic, danceable and hilarious affair."

( 0 ) 27.06.07    Tag: Misc

wnyc.org: "The Festival of World Sacred Music in the medieval city of Fes, Morocco annually brings together prominent musicians from the three Abrahamic religions - Christian, Jewish, Muslim - as well as other faiths in what's literally a week-plus lovefest. Of course it's wonderful to hear great music in remarkable settings, amid ancient ruins and centuries-old Moorish gardens. But the festival has a broader agenda too: It was launched in 1994 as a pro-peace response to the first Gulf War." Read on

Festival of World Sacred Music (right click to download)

( 1 ) 27.06.07    Tag: Misc

Danah Boyd: "Over the last six months, i've noticed an increasing number of press articles about how high school teens are leaving MySpace for Facebook. That's only partially true.

What I lay out in this essay is rather disconcerting. Hegemonic American teens (i.e. middle/upper class, college bound teens from upwards mobile or well off families) are all on or switching to Facebook. Marginalized teens, teens from poorer or less educated backgrounds, subculturally-identified teens, and other non-hegemonic teens continue to be drawn to MySpace. A class division has emerged and it is playing out in the aesthetics, the kinds of advertising, and the policy decisions being made." Read on

MySpace für Prolos, Facebook für Popper* futurezone: "Die beliebten Sozialen Netzwerke bilden im Internet zunehmend die harten Klassenunterschiede der US-amerikanischen Gesellschaft ab, meint die Soziologin Danah Boyd. Die Mediensoziologin, die sich schon seit geraumer Zeit mit dem komplexen Paralleluniversum der Sozialen Netzwerke im Internet beschäftigt, hat sich in einem am Sonntag auf ihrer Website publizierten Aufsatz mit der Frage auseinander gesetzt, inwieweit MySpace und Facebook tatsächliche Klassenunterschiede in der US-amerikanischen Gesellschaft abbilden." Weiter

  • saublöde Überschrift den die Futurzone da gewählt hatt.

( 0 ) 27.06.07    Tag: Misc

heise.de: "For the first time, the German edition of the open Internet encyclopedia Wikipedia will be receiving state funding. Germany will be setting aside part of its budget to improve information about renewable resources in Wikipedia. Over the next few years, several hundred articles will be written on this issue." Read on

Wikipedia erhält staatliche Förderung
heise.de: "Die deutschsprachige Ausgabe der freien Internet-Enzyklopädie Wikipedia kommt erstmals in den Genuss einer staatlichen Förderung. Mit Bundesmitteln sollen die Informationen über nachwachsende Rohstoffe in der Wikipedia systematisch aufbereitet werden. Mehrere hundert Artikel zum Themenbereich sollen in den nächsten Jahren entstehen." Weiter

( 0 ) 27.06.07    Tag: Misc

opening date: 12 June 2007
closing date: 8 July 2007

Radio ABC: "They’ve offered up their track ‘The Prayer’ from their most recent album 'A Weekend in the City', and we want you to remix it. We’ve made all the different parts of the track available for you to download, so you can take them away, put them in a program and shake them all about, then come back and show us your treats.

And if your remix impresses the kids at Bloc Party enough, you and someone you love will be heading along to their gig when they tour Australia in August." Read on

( 0 ) 22.06.07    Tag: Misc

1.) Tundra 2.) Sqaurepusher Theme 3.) Bonneville Occident 4.) Full Rinse 5.) A Journey To Reedham (7am Mix) 6.) Port Rhombus 7.) I Wish You Could Talk 8.) Venus No.17 9.) The Exploding Psychology 10.) Welcome To Europe 11.) Come On My Selector 12.) Male Pill Part 5 13.) Unreleased

Download here

( 0 ) 10.06.07    Tag: Misc

Sean Penn reads an eight part abridgement of Bob Dylan's Chronicles. Listen here

( 0 ) 05.06.07    Tag: Misc

BBC: "Dead at the age of 29, Hank Williams Snr. nonetheless managed to create such a body of work that he is now seen as the founding father of modern country music. In his short career - only 6 years - he cut over 170 songs, many of them now classics, which have been recorded by nearly everyone who is anyone in country." Listen here

( 0 ) 05.06.07    Tag: Misc

"The Pew Internet and American Life Project has just issued a new report (PDF) on Wikipedia. According to the report, 36% of American adults consult Wikipedia. One of the more interesting aspects of the report is the amount of traffic to Wikipedia that's driven from search engines. The report cites Hitwise data that showed "over 70% of the visits to Wikipedia in the week ending March 17 came from search engines." This success must be one of the reasons that Wikipedia has announced they plan to launch a search engine." Download the report
found via randomculture.com

( 0 ) 30.05.07    Tag: Misc

headphone with integrated iPod Shuffle dock

I am not a big fan of mp3 players without a display, but this seems to be a very clever piece of tech. More Info

( 0 ) 30.05.07    Tag: Misc

Listen here

( 0 ) 17.05.07    Tag: Misc

npr.org: "The Fair Use Project at Stanford Law School's Center for Internet and Society seeks to lay the groundwork for artists and academics to use copyrighted work without permission in certain situations." Listen here

( 0 ) 14.05.07    Tag: Misc

BBC: "Sex Pistols bassist Sid Vicious would have turned 50 this week. Phill Jupitus tells the sad story of the doomed punk icon." Listen here

( 0 ) 14.05.07    Tag: Misc

npr.org: "On this edition of All Songs Considered: you may fall in love with Portugal. Host Bob Boilen visits the city of Porto and meets one amazing Portuguese radio dj, Alvaro Costa. Costa takes us on a journey that includes master of the Portuguese 12-string guitar Carlos Paredes but also includes Portuguese rock, reggae electronica but also pimba, the most popular music of all." Listen/Download here

( 3 ) 14.05.07    Tag: Misc

faz.net: Lego-Figuren, das waren für uns stets diese kurzbeinigen, unerschütterlich freundlichen Bewohner einer sauberen Bausteinwelt mit Noppenmuster. Dann sind wir vor einigen Jahren zum ersten Mal den Techno-Monstren von Lego Bionicle begegnet: Statt stabiler Stummelfüße gibt es hier lange Insektenbeine mit Kugelgelenk und Klauenzehen. Darauf steht ein Körper, der eher in einen „Alien“-Film passt denn in die schöne brave Welt von Lego City. " Weiter

Lars Lusenberg Nielsen, Senior Toy Designer at LEGO's Concept Lab Denmark, provides a look into the making of Bionicle: "We make 3D sketches in Rhino or a similar digital tool. From there, we produced the first set of prototypes using rapid prototyping. This allows us to get a physical prototype in our hands quickly and analyze the ways the various elements can be used. Rapid prototyping is a cool process -- it’s like a 3D printer. Whatever we design in the 3D program can be printed out so we can physically test the building possibilities and functions." Read on

( 0 ) 12.05.07    Tag: Misc

BBC: "It is almost twenty years since Morrissey, Britain’s most thoughtful and enduring lyricist and singer, launched his solo career. Ever since his emergence as front man with the Smiths in the 1980s his songs have been poured over, analysed and quoted. In this two part series for BBC Radio 2 Stuart Maconie tells the story of the Manchester lad who became a British icon. We hear from friends, fans, colleagues and fellow musicians" Listen here

( 0 ) 26.04.07    Tag: Misc

npr.org: "The American people have long debated how best to balance protecting individual liberties while assuring public safety. The intensity of this debate increased markedly in the aftermath of the Sept. 11 attacks, which prompted the Patriot Act and other legislative initiatives. The moves were designed to increase protection against terrorist attacks, but they also allowed increased government scrutiny of individual activities." Download the debate as a mp3 file here

( 0 ) 26.04.07    Tag: Misc

npr.org: "The music of TV on the Radio is generally classified as indie-rock, but its songs incorporate old and new elements of punk, hip-hop, techno and pop for an experimental musical mix that remains irresistibly catchy.

In this interview and performance, TV on the Radio's members discuss their new album, as well as a controversial protest song on the group's website." Listen here

( 0 ) 01.04.07    Tag: Misc

stolen from here

( 0 ) 27.03.07    Tag: Misc

wikipedia: "John Howard Carpenter (born January 16, 1948) is an American film director, screenwriter, producer, film score composer and occasional actor. Carpenter has worked in numerous film genres, and is considered one of the most accomplished and influential horror and science fiction directors in Hollywood (The Fog, Escape From New York etc.)" More

The Egg City Podcast offers an episode with 10 tracks of Carpenters compositions.

Found via Filmtagebuch

( 0 ) 26.03.07    Tag: Misc

BBC: "A serotonin-starved raver, an anguished Goth, a highbrow classical composer – at times Joakim’s new album, Monsters And Silly Songs, sounds like it could be the result of a collaboration between all of them and more. Yet it’s really just the vision of one man – French producer and Tigersushi label manager Joakim Bouaziz who is quick to emphasise that he is none of those things, nor any other label you might seek to slap on him." Read the whole interview

( 0 ) 05.03.07    Tag: Misc

Great little documentation from the beginning of the internet.

( 0 ) 28.02.07    Tag: Misc

CD Cover of: Create(!) - A Prospect of FreedomI am usualy bussy discovering great music on the internet, therefore there aren't to many CDs I listen very often. A exception is A prospect of Freedom by Create(!) released on Sounds Are Active

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "Create (!) draw upon no wave, free jazz, progressive rock, freecore, hip hop R&B and the traditional music of America and Africa. Since their first fully improvised live performances in 1999 the group has engaged in a sometimes ragged, sometimes trancendant mixture of humor, skill and stream of consciousness.

Other groups related to Create (!) include Havalina, Ruins, The Mars Volta, Night of the Wrecking Ball, Castanets, L.A. Symphony, I Heart Lung and Soul Junk.

Beginning in March of 2001 the group began teaching their Create (!) Workshops at MacArthur Park in Long Beach, California. The musical workshops are taught free of charge to both children and adults of utilizing video and audio recordings, live performances and interactive teaching methods." More

Create(!) - Six Dreams Divided Create (!)- Six Dreams Divided Remix Contest
Order A Prospect of Freedom from Amazon.de or Amazon.com

( 0 ) 26.02.07    Tag: Misc

abc.net.au: "In the early '70s, a new music wave came out of Germany. Groups like Can, Kraftwerk, Neu! and Faust were the leaders of the movement.

It was called Krautrock and this combination of electronic music, avant garde and rock would leave a lasting impression on musicians decades later.

Fans of Krautrock include Radiohead, Stereolab, Blur, Sonic Youth, Brian Eno, David Bowie and Air. Julian Cope even wrote a book called Krautrocksampler back in 1995.

With the reissue of the main albums by these pioneering artists in Australia, The J Files looked back at the whole Krautrock scene." Listen here

( 0 ) 12.02.07    Tag: Misc

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