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Ever been confused by all the letters and squiggles used by scientists? Hopefully this site will unravel some of those mysteries. Sixty Symbols is a collection of videos about physics and astronomy presented by experts from The University of Nottingham. They aren't lessons or lectures - and this site has never tried to be an online reference book. The films are just fun chats with men and women who love their subject and know a lot about it! It's worth noting many symbols have multiple uses across scientific disciplines and we somtimes tackle them from an unexpected viewpoint.

( 1 ) 16.10.09    Tag: Science and Tech

Some more artist who appear on the the CD The Wire Tapper #22 from The Wire October 2009 issue.

Tomoyoshi Date

Elodie Lauten

Clang Sayne

Glacial Movements/NETHERWORLD

( 0 ) 16.10.09    Tag: The WIRE 308

Excerpt from I See Beyond the Black Sun - Performance ritual with Arrington de Dionyso and Malinda Ray Allen.

Malinda Ray Allen:

( 0 ) 16.10.09    Tag: Arrington de Dionyso

wikipedia: "Franck Vigroux is a French avant garde musician, turntablist, guitarist operating on the borders of rock, electronic, jazz and contemporary art music. His tools are fretted and unfretted guitars, turntables and electronics of all sorts." Featured on The Wire Tapper #22 The Wire October 2009 issue 308.

Franck Vigroux - New York

( 0 ) 16.10.09    Tag: Franck Vigroux

"Talen is 2 DJ’s and 2 Producers based in Winterthur Switzerland. Kingston Book is Talen’s debut EP release and features Jamaican danehall heroes SIZZLA und CUTTY RANKS, with remixes by STEREOTYP and MARKUS KIENZL."

( 0 ) 15.10.09    Tag: Talen

Bloc Party - Where Is Home (Burial Remix) Sabres Of Paradise - Haunted Dancefloor Michael Jackson - Dirty Diana Princess Diana - Martin Bashir interview

( 0 ) 14.10.09    Tag: Mashups

10-20 - hallow

The WIRE: "Hailing from Devon in South West England, the producer behind 10–20’s shatter-beats has so far declined to reveal his real name. But his dexterity with handling huge chunks of machine-tooled sound and coarsely chopped samples were very much in evidence on his first album for Highpoint Lowlife, 10–20, and on this satellite 7" release." Featured on The Wire Tapper #22 The Wire October 2009 issue 308.

( 0 ) 14.10.09    Tag: 10-20

Climax Golden Twins - Hector's Dilemma
Climax Golden Twins - Dead People

freemusicarchive.org: "lo-fi collage — organic, acoustic instruments mix with found sounds, electronics, and clips of sampled exotica." Read on. Featured on The Wire Tapper #22, The Wire October 2009 issue 308.

wfmu.org. "Rob Millis and Jeffery Taylor aka Climax Golden Twins discuss their musical output and Dust to Digital releases Victrola Favorites and current release, "Take Me to the Water: Immersion Baptism in Vintage Music and Photography 1890-1950." Listen here

( 0 ) 14.10.09    Tag: Climax Golden Twins

Johnny Cash, a name like a flash

This is Johnny Cash appearing 1992 on the German TV show "Peter Alexander Show" hosted by (you guessed it) Peter Alexander a Austrian Entertainer and Actor

All the videos:

01 Johnny Cash - Ring Of Fire 02 Johnny Cash - There Ain't No Good Chain Gang
03 Johnny Cash - Medley Of Viennese Songs
04 Johnny Cash - Jung San Ma, Fesch San Ma (We're Young, We're Cute) See also: All German Johnny Cash songs

( 0 ) 14.10.09    Tag: Cash

"Reporter Michael Wigge follows up on the term „Krauts", an uncomplimentary term used to designate Germans due to their supposed exuberant love for Sauerkraut. Wigge explored private and professional kitchens to checked out what's cooking in stewing pots and engaged people eating currywurst at the stand to take a sauerkraut test. "

The Truth About Germany
dw-world.de: "Are Germans really hard-working? Do they really have absolutely no sense of humour? Every week our intrepid reporter Michael Wigge goes out and about to search for the Truth about Germany."

Further episodes:

( 0 ) 13.10.09    Tag: Germany

dw-world.de: "World War Two started on 1 September 1939 when German forces unleashed an attack on the Polish garrison on the Westernplatte peninsular on the territory of what was then the Free German City of Danzig, later Gdansk.

But that historical wisdom is not strictly true. The first shots opening Nazi Germany`s war were fired just a few minutes earlier when German Luftwaffe planes launched a ferocious attack on Wielun', a Polish town which had no military or industrial targets of any significance.

For the first time, in a joint German-Polish project, film makers from both countries describe the events that marked the beginning of Hitler's assault on Poland. A co-production between DW-TV and TVP Polonia." Read on

( 0 ) 13.10.09    Tag: History

Erwähnte ich schon, dass ich ein großer Fan des Schweizer Radio DRS bin? Hier eine Auswahl der DRS Podcasts:

( 0 ) 13.10.09    Tag: Podcasts

( 0 ) 12.10.09    Tag: Farside

Marc Almond - The Sea Still Sings

Marc Almond - She Took My Soul In Istanbul

( 0 ) 12.10.09    Tag: Marc Almond

Bigger at www.flickr.com

( 0 ) 10.10.09    Tag: Flickr

( 0 ) 09.10.09    Tag: King Cannibal

Radio ABC: "In this BBC feature exploring Eno's inventive life and work, we'll hear from key collaborators including David Bowie, Bryan Ferry, Bono, David Byrne, Michael Nyman and Phil Manzanera, as well as from Brian Eno himself."

( 0 ) 09.10.09    Tag: Brian Eno

( 0 ) 09.10.09    Tag: David Hasselhoff

This track is taken from the Five Years of Hyperdub compilation.

( 0 ) 08.10.09    Tag: Burial

  1. Besser so, Jenny-Joe
  2. Kleine Rosemarie
  3. In Virginia
  4. Wo ist Zuhause, Mama?
  5. Wer kennt den Weg?

( 0 ) 08.10.09    Tag: Cash

Internationaler Kongress 8. bis 10. Oktober 2009 Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln

"Heavy Metal ist Musik von Männern und Frauen für Männer und Frauen. Aber obwohl unter den Fans heute annähernd gleich viele Frauen wie Männer anzutreffen sind, werden die Unterschiede zwischen den Geschlechtern im Heavy Metal besonders betont.

mhs-koeln.de: "Der Kongress, an dem sowohl WissenschaftlerInnen als auch MusikerInnen und Fans beteiligt sind, widmet sich aus interdisziplinärer und internationaler Perspektive Geschlechterrollen, Geschlechterdifferenzen und -stereotypen in der Musikkultur Heavy Metal. Dabei wird der großen Vielfalt des Heavy Metal Rechnung getragen, die sich in seiner 40-jährigen Geschichte und seiner inzwischen globalen Verbreitung entwickelt hat und sich in einer Vielzahl an Subgenres äußert.

Es wird die erste wissenschaftliche Tagung über Heavy Metal in Deutschland sein und die erste Metal-Tagung weltweit, bei der Gender-Fragen im Mittelpunkt stehen." Weiter

Interview Dr. Florian Heesch
Habe gerade dieses Interview des Dradio mit Dr Heesch, dem Organisator des Kongress angehört. Der Interviewer des Dradio ist wohl kein True Metal Fan, trotzdem interessant. Dachte während des gesamten Interview, es gab doch damals in den 80er Jahren schon Warlock mit Sängerin Doro Pesch oder auch Holy Moses mit Sängerin Sabina Classen, und wer spielt live auf der Tagung? Doro, Holy Moses und Cripper.

( 3 ) 08.10.09    Tag: Heavy Metal

Krakows Unsound Festival joins Forces with scape to release a free downloadable cd: CONNECTIONS.

( 0 ) 08.10.09    Tag: scape

Interview Menno Metselaar Interview des Deutschland Radio mit Menno Metselaar (Anne Frank Haus Amsterdam) zum Start des Anne Frank Youtube Channel.

( 0 ) 06.10.09    Tag: Anne Frank

br-online.de: "In Andenken an das Universalgenie Wilhelm Reich haben Andreas Ammer & Console aus geheimen Akten des FBI, aus der öffentlichen Geschichte der Pop-Musik und aus anderen obskuren Archiven erbitterte Tracks erschaffen. "Have You Ever Heard Of Wilhelm Reich?" funktioniert wie ein Musical des Weltgeists oder ein akustischer Orgon-Accumulator, dessen Wirkungsweise die Space-Rock-Band Hawkwind einstmals folgendermaßen besang: "I've got an Orgone Accumulator / It makes me feel greater (...) It’s a back brain stimulator / It’s a cerebral vibrator". Weiter

( 0 ) 06.10.09    Tag: Andreas Ammer

Cory Doctorow – Resonance FM Interview 01
Cory Doctorow is a prize-winning science fiction novelist, blogger and technology activist. He is the co-editor of the popular weblog Boing Boing (boingboing.net), and a contributor to Wired, Popular Science, Make, the New York Times, and the Guardian.

This is the first installment of a 5 part interview with Cory Doctorow conducted by Rachel Baker and Charles Beckett of Arts Council England. Baker and Beckett quiz Cory on publishing, creative commons, e-book readers and the future of reading." Read on

Cory Doctorow – Resonance FM Interview 02
Baker and Beckett get Cory’s opinion on anachronistic art practise, replication and the death of the "unique object". Read on

Cory Doctorow – Resonance FM Interview 03
Doctorow gives his views on the Digital Britain Report and his opinion of the "media distribution landscape". Read on

Cory Doctorow – Resonance FM Interview 04
Cory shares his thoughts on "mainstream cultural production".
Read on

Cory Doctorow – Resonance FM Interview 05
Doctorow discusses the bursting of the dot com bubble in the late 1990s, his forthcoming novel Makers and, rather generously, gives his advice to cultural funding bodies". Read on

Cory Doctorow – Resonance FM Interview 06
Alex Fitch talks to writer Cory Doctorow about his work, focussing on his novel Little Brother and short story collection Over Clocked". Read on

( 0 ) 05.10.09    Tag: Cory Doctorow

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