"Curator Robert Boyd gives you a guided video walk-through of Walpurgis Afternoon: The Art of Jim Woodring & Marc Bell at Lawndale Art Center in Houston."
- via http://groberunfug-comics.blogspot.com/2011/05/die-eigene-welt-ausstellen.html and http://www.fantagraphics.com/index.php?option=com_myblog&show=Jim-Woodring-Marc-Bell-exhibit-video-tour.html&Itemid=113
- Download at http://stereogum.com/714152/download-radioheads-20-best-cover-songs/franchises/listomania/
- Found via http://www.kraftfuttermischwerk.de/blogg/?p=26379 and http://www.testspiel.de/archives/2011/05/27/20-der-besten-radiohead-cover-zum-kostenlosen-download/
npr.org: "Growing up in Toronto in the 1990s, Katie Stelmanis knew she'd one day be an opera singer. She studied piano and violin and, as a child, sang with the Canadian Opera Company. Later, after years of private lessons, she was set to study opera in college. But deep down inside, Stelmanis says she knew that all she really wanted to do was make "classical music with really f—— up, distorted, crazy s— on there." It was a singular, and certainly colorful, vision that eventually led the ivory-voiced singer to abandon school, discover electronica and form the band Austra."
- Stream the whole release at http://www.npr.org/2011/05/08/135996786/first-listen-austra-feel-it-break
- Austra at http://www.myspace.com/austra
cafekaput.blogspot.com: "Every sound on this record, from the melodic sounds to the percussion, the atmospheric effects to the bass lines originates from the Braun AB-30 alarm clock. Using inexpensive contact microphones I recorded the alarm sound, the various ?ticks? of the second hand as it made it's way around the clock face, and usually-unheard noises such as the cogs whirring and the harmonics of the spring-loaded ?snooze? button. Short, cyclic waveform samples were edited from these recordings, which became the oscillators?(oscillators are the fundamental building blocks on which all electronic sounds are based).
The raw sounds were then treated and shaped using envelopes, filters, phasing, delay and reverberation.If you're interested in the creative process behind the sounds, have a listen to a short explanation:
HR2: "Das Funkkolleg „Mensch und Klima: Wetter im Wandel“ spannt in seinen Sendungen einen Bogen von den menschengemachten Klimaänderungen der Gegenwart zu den Folgen der Klimaänderungen in früheren Erdepochen; es fragt nach dem Zusammenspiel von Klima, Wetter und Gesundheit; es erklärt, wie Wolken entstehen und warum unsere Wettervorhersagen noch immer ungenau sind. Es stellt die Methoden der „Wetternachhersage“ vor, Rekonstruktionen früherer Wetterereignisse, ohne deren genaue Kenntnis keine Klimaprognosen möglich wären. Es erläutert, was Astronomie und Geologie mit dem globalen Klima zu tun haben. Und es erörtert, welche Strategien es gibt, den menschengemachten Klimawandel zu stoppen." Weiter
Die einzelnen Folgen kann man hier direkt oder hier als Podcast herunterladen.
wikipedia.org: "Boris is a Japanese experimental rock band, known for often combining and switching between different music genres including drone metal, sludge metal, noise rock, psychedelic rock, ambient and pop. As of 2008, personnel are drummer-vocalist Atsuo, bassist-guitarist-vocalist Takeshi, and guitarist-vocalist Wata.
wikipedia.org: "Boris takes its name from a song on the Melvins' Bullhead, and released its first album, Absolutego, on the group's own label, Fangs Anal Satan, in 1996." Read on
wdr.de: ""In einem Maisfeld in Schleswig-Holstein hegt eine Gruppe unerschrockener Widerständler eine kleine Hanfplantage und ihre Träume vom großem Gegenschlag gegen den repressiven Polizeistaat: Babylon must fall. Vor allem Nodger, der einzige Mann unter ihnen, gibt sich der Süße paranoider Träume hin. Die Frauen um ihn herum jedoch verfolgen andere, dunkle Ziele und Begierden. Von A wie Anarchie über G wie Geschlechterkampf bis Z wie Zerstörung." Weiter
"When army ants lose the path of the pheremon trail that drives them forward, they revert to following each other in what soon becomes a writhing spiraling mass. The ants will eventually die of exaustion."
abc.net.au. "Australian and world peak car ownership per capita was in 2004 and since has shown a slow decline. It marks an end to car dependence. Teenage car ownership has dropped markedly. Figures suggest a big cultural shift as well as structural change within cities. Some very large cities such as Beijing and Shanghai have made it almost impossible to buy a new car. Car transport has reached a limit. Shanghai built a metro system in 10 years, which covers 80% of the city and carries 8 million passengers each day. Metros are being built in 82 Chinese cities and 14 Indian cities.." Read on
wikipedia.org"Dangdut is a genre of Indonesian popular music that is partly derived from Malay, Arabic, and Hindustani music. It developed in the 1970s among working-class Muslim youth, but beginning in the late 1990s reached a broader following in Indonesia, Malaysia, and the southern Philippines."