drs2.ch. "Der Konstrukteur Trurl will seinen Erzrivalen Klapauzius beeindrucken und beginnt, eine Maschine zu bauen. Diese soll in der Lage sein, makellose Lyrik zu schreiben. Er füttert die Maschine mit einer Unmenge Wissensstoff - und tatsächlich: Das Experiment gelingt, die Maschine produziert Poesie auf höchstem Niveau. Doch dann gerät sie ausser Kontrolle und beschert dem Universum «schwere Attacken ästhetischer Ektase»." Anhören
wikipedia.org: "Solaris is a 1961 Polish science fiction novel by Stanis?aw Lem. It is about the ultimate inadequacy of communication between human and non-human species.
In probing and examining the oceanic surface of the planet Solaris from a hovering research station the human scientists are, in turn, being studied by the sentient planet itself, which probes for and examines the thoughts of the human beings who are analyzing it. Solaris has the ability to manifest their secret, guilty concerns in human form, for each scientist to personally confront." Read on
Neal Stephenson on Reamde
Neal Stephenson is the author of the three-volume historical epic “The Baroque Cycle” (Quicksilver, The Confusion, and The System of the World) and the novels Cryptonomicon, The Diamond Age, Snow Crash, and Zodiac. Reamde, a 1,000-page thriller that takes us into the strange universe of online gaming, not to mention the worlds of Chinese hackers, Russian mobsters and a menacing Welsh jihadist. In this uncut interview, Steve Paulson talks with Stephenson about the gaming world, what it means to be a science fiction writer and how different conceptions of time have shaped Stephenson’s own method of writing his novels." Read on
China Miéville - Embassytown
Miéville´s new novel is called "Embassytown." It features aliens that speak a strange language in a strange way -- with two voices simultaneously. Miéville spoke with Anne Strainchamps about "Embassytown." Read on
Jonathan Lethem on Philip K. Dick
Jonathan Lethem is the author of several novels and was editor of the Library of America’s 3-volume boxed set “The Philip K. Dick Collection.” Jim Fleming talks with Lethem about Dick whom Lethem calls “science fiction’s Lenny Bruce.” Read on
3sat.de. "Derzeit bevölkern knapp sieben Milliarden Menschen die Erde. Bis zum Jahre 2050 werden es voraussichtlich bis zu zehn Milliarden Menschen sein. Aber die Erde hat nur begrenzte Ressourcen. Wir diskutieren mit der Ethnologin Shalini Randeria und dem Bevölkerungswissenschaftler Rainer Münz welche Folgen diese Zunahme der Bevölkerung für unsere Erde und die Menschen haben wird." Weiter
detektor.fm: "Kaum eine Diktatur war so durchgestylt wie das Dritte Reich. Nicht nur die Selbstinszenierung der Nazis trug zu diesem Ruf bei, auch ihr Bild in der Popkultur ist heute noch geprägt von langen Ledermänteln und straffen Schnitten.
Die Faszination mit der Ästhetik dieser Zeit gibt es nicht erst seit gestern. Besonders im Kino der Siebziger wurde die faschistische Mode wieder aufgegriffen und in Filmen wie Der Nachtportier oder Ilsa - She Wolf of The SS zusätzlich erotisch aufgeladen.
Der Filmwissenschaftler Marcus Stiglegger setzt sich seit einigen Jahren mit dem Thema auseinander und verrät im Interview unter anderem, woher die Faszination für diese Ästhetik kommt." Weiter
detektor.fm: Fast Food erobert mittlerweile auch die Entwicklungs-und Schwellenländer. Die zunehmende "Verwestlichung" hat dazu geführt, dass immer mehr Menschen in ärmeren Ländern an den Folgen sterben. Experten gehen von 30 Millionen Toten durch Diabetes, Herzleiden und Krebs aus.
In China öffnet jeden zweiten Tag eine neue McDonald's Filiale, der Chicken Burger verdrängt oft das selbstgemachte Wok-Gemüse. Glaubt man den Rednern beim Weltwirtschaftsforum, ist die Ausbreitung chronischer Krankheiten im Mittleren Osten, in Indien und Afrika "bedrohlicher als die Finanzkrise". Weiter
grapevine.is: "A book about zombies in Iceland! But not only is it a wonderfully written fiction to be enjoyed by zombie enthusiasts, but it’s also an artfully written guide to Iceland, making it ideal reading for the tourist that’s looking for an alternative to the Lonely Planet." Read on
- Some more info at http://okei.is/?p=837
- Author Nanna Árnadóttir at http://twitter.com/#!/nannaarnadottir
bbc.co.uk: "This week the castaway on Desert Island Discs is William Gibson. In conversation with Sue Lawley, he talks about his life and work and chooses eight records to take to the mythical island." Read on
What is Desert Island Discs?
BBC: "The format is simple – a guest is invited to choose eight discs, a book and a luxury to take with them as they’re castaway on a mythical desert island. During the interview they explain their choices and discuss key moments in their lives, people and events that have influenced and inspired them and brought them to where they are today"
textura.org: "Weird in the best sense of the word, a protoypical Macro track overlays minimal techno rhythms with idiosyncratic melodic elements and in so doing separates itself from the dance music crowd. In the Macro universe, it's normal for a clubby beat pattern to be paired with atonal choir chanting, a clarinet's bleat, or a cello's groan and scrape, and no better recording in the Macro stable captures the Berlin-based label's “avant-garde-techno” aesthetic than its first label compilation Macrospective." Read on
I lay there is a song from the album Prince Of Truth, the other three songs appear on the most recent album "In animal tongue". Download the full show at archive.org
- In animal tongue has been reviewed in THE WIRE 331 - 09/2011
- http://www.carlabozulich.com/
- MP3: Evangelista - Live at SXSW 2008
- More shows can be downloaded from http://www.archive.org/details/CarlaBozulich
- http://cstrecords.com/cst082/
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carla_Bozulich
family-vineyard.com: "Loren Connors has long been heralded as one of the country's most inimitable guitar voices. Red Mars is the first CD of new solo music since 2004. Since that time, Connors' unmistakable electric blues style presented on album has changed somewhat -- from multilayer tape-recorded pieces to spontaneous live performances." Read on
"The Code is a three-part TV series about maths in the world around us, presented by the Oxford University Maths lecturer Marcus du Sautoy.
Marcus du Sautoy explores the hidden numerical code that underpins nature, going in search of the numbers, shapes and patterns in everything from human veins to the night sky. He begins by revealing how 12th-century medieval clergy used simple number ratios to create cathedrals that they felt mirrored God's creation, uses pi to predict a Brighton fisherman's biggest-ever catch and explores the bizarre world of imaginary numbers, claiming that the radar used by air-traffic controllers is only made possible because of a figure that does not exist." Read on
abc.net.au: "Originally broadcast on 31 March 1994. William Gibson, dubbed the prophet of cyberpunk, gives his take on the future of cyberspace, and his predictions are incredibly accurate." Read on
Alva Noto - RA.276 Mix
"RA.276 captures the breadth of the Alva Noto sound world in a 51-miute set that moulds the music of Fennesz, Andy Stott, M.I.A., Steve Reich, Nine Inch Nails, Byetone and Donnacha Costello into a coherent whole." Read on
The Story of Red Hot Chili Peppers
BBC: "Red Hot Chili Peppers are undeniably one of the most successful bands in rock history. Over the last 3 decades. they’ve sold over 60 million albums to date and gathered a mass following of fans across the globe with their unique sound. This the story of their rise, from being mischievous kids on the streets of 1970's LA, through the classrooms of their old high school, and to the clubs of Sunset Strip" Read on at www.bbc.co.uk
wnyc.org: "Since 1969, Manfred Eicher and his label, ECM Records, have brought the music of Keith Jarrett, Steve Reich, Meredith Monk and many others to listeners around the world. Today, Eicher drops by to talk about producing some of the most eclectic -- and at times unclassifiable -- music of the last 40 years." Read on