"Australia's premier sound-arts festival Liquid Architecture celebrates its ninth consecutive year with concerts, surround sound presentations, audio-visual and recorded work, exhibitions and installations. Featuring our most imaginative musicians, composers, sound designers and media artists in a sense-specific feast for the ears." More
Australien radio show "Quiet Space" is featuring artists performing at the ninth annual Liquid Architecture festival. Listen here
BBC: "This is a exciting and immersive composition based on recordings by Chris Watson, who is arguably Britain's leading wildlife sound recordist.
Water Song captures the rhythmic beat of individual drops seeping through cracks and dripping off stalactites in the glow worms caves of Waitomo in New Zealand, the chattering gurgle of a mountain stream, to the underwater snap, crackle and pop of Pistol Shrimps, the percussive patter of raindrops tumbling down a drainpipe, the immersive surge of waves across a beach on the Galapagos islands, the powerful creaks and groans inside Vatnajokull, a vast glacier in Icelandic and the almost deafening roar of a waterfall." Listen here
abc.net.au: "StarStuff is ABC NewsRadio's flagship Astronomy, Cosmology, Space and Science program. Hosted by Stuart Gary, StarStuff takes us on a weekly journey across the universe to see the death of stars and the birth of new worlds. StarStuff's tour of the cosmos examines those ultimate questions, where do we come from? and are we alone? From Einstein's Relativity Theory to Quantum Mechanics, StarStuff reports on the latest news and discoveries in science, with a special focus on astronomy, space sciences and cosmology." Podcast Feed
abc.net.au: "T-shirts featuring cartoon characters with huge sparkling eyes, pastel coloured plush animals adorning mobile phones and even cars with a Hello Kitty motif -"cute" is no longer confined to products for children, but an aesthetic that is popular with all ages.
The home of this cute style is Japan, although design that is "kawaii", as it is called in Japanese, is increasingly being embraced in the west as cool. What's behind this growing fascination with "cute"? And why is cute design considered quintessentially Japanese?" Listen/Download here
Im Innern der Welt
SWR2: "Die Entwicklung der theoretischen Physik ist in den letzten Jahren rasant gewesen. Die Forscher sind mittlerweile H?ines ganzen Teilchenzoos geworden, in dem sich Leptonen und Quarks tummeln. Sie interessieren sich auch f?gen wie: Welche Rolle spielte beim Urknall der Zufall, was gab es vor dieser Megaexplosion, ist das Weltall einfach aus dem Nichts entstanden?" Via SWR2 Aula Podcast
SWR2: "Nach der Ernährung, Kleidung und einem Dach über dem Kopf stehen Fernseher, Computer und Handy weit oben in der Anschaffungsliste selbst ärmster Bevölkerungsschichten. Doch die meisten Informationen, die die Menschen erreichen, sind gefiltert, sei es durch seriöse Redakteure, sei es durch Meinungsmache, Manipulation, Reklame und Public Relations. Wer die Menschen mit Informationen versorgt, beeinflusst deren Gedankenwelt. Wie vertrauenswürdig Informationen sind und wie verschieden sie weltweit dargestellt werden, zeigt sich bei kriegerischen Konflikten ebenso wie bei einer Katastrophe wie dem Tsunami im Indischen Ozean."
ica.org.uk: "This month's Experiment is a prologue to the 12 year anniversary celebrations for the Raster-Noton label taking place at the Institute of Contemporary Arts (London) on 30 May. Let us steer you through the complex sound and sheer bliss electronics of the Raster-Noton, mages of electronic composition, leftfield beats and dance floor frontiers.
First up we have a very early recording artist on the Raster-Noton label: William Basinski. We also have an exclusive interview from the infinitely productive sound artist Carsten Nicolai, two exclusive Raster-Noton tracks, Alva Noto's Haliod Xerrox Copy and a Raster-Noton super mix" Download here
The Experiment: "A monthly podcast commissioned by the ICA and presented and produced by Kevin Quigley and Jim Hammond."
BBC: "In first half of Rob da Bank show we have special guest Flying Lotus aka Steven Ellison. He will be talking about and playing tracks from his new album Los Angeles, plus looking ahead to his forthcoming performances at the Meltdown and Sonar Festivals. And speaking of festivals, we will also have some of your choices for your ultimate Fantasy Festival plus we have the Early Morning Dub Appreciation Society and tunes from CSS, The Shortwave Set and Broadcaster. In second half of the show Rob da Bank and Friends introduce us Shoegazing Special - a 2 hour extravaganza with Nat from the Sonic Cathedral label and club night. He will be playing you everything from the likes of Chapterhouse to Spiritualized, Ride to Boards of Canada and everything in-between." Download here
- WIRE review of "Los Angeles", the latest CD from Flying Lotus
abc.net.au: "After the abject treatment of robots as slaves for so many years, it's time to find some compassion and realise robots can be our friends (and in some instances, yes, even our lovers). The Night Air offers a tribute in song and clanking industrial noise to the history of robot-human friendship - from the days of old tin pants to the invasion of the nanobots." Listen/Download here
BBC: "Robert Worby reports from Shanghai on the range of new music being made in this rapidly-expanding metropolis. In tune with the city's futuristic skyline, he finds much of the musical creativity in electronic sounds, both in the lavishly-funded hi-tech E-Arts Festival, and in the thriving underground 'noise' scene.
Robert discovers the earliest Chinese electronic music in the archives of the Conservatory and finds composers such as Chen Qiangbin combining traditional Chinese instruments with electronic sounds. He also attends an underground gig featuring Porn Moon Twins." Listen here
Überklang, der interessanteste deutschsprachiege Podcast wird betrieben vom Österreicher Walter Brantner, von Beruf Radiomoderator und Musiker. Zudem betreibt er unter bruit.at ein spannendes Netlabel auf welchen schon Szenegrößen wie TV Victor und Pita veröffentlicht haben.
Eine typische Episode featured einen Künstler oder ein Genre und umfasst 2 Stunden Musik aber auch gesprochene Beiträg. In der aktuellen, 50. Ausgabe wird der Schriftsteller Philip K. Dick vorgestellt. Die Musik in dieser Folge stammt von der neusten Bruit Veröffentlichung, einem Philip K. Dick Tribute Sampler
Zu meinen Favoriten gehören die vier Krautrock Episoden, das Stanislaw Lem Feature, die beiden TV Victor Episoden (#2#1)das Feature des Stonerrock Label Elektrohash sowie die Nico Episode.
dradio.de: "Im Juni 1968 trafen sich Holger Czukay, David Johnson, Michael Karoli, Jaki Liebezeit und Irmin Schmidt in Köln und begannen, ausgerüstet nur mit einem Mikrofon und einer REVOX-Bandmaschine, Songmaterial zu erarbeiten. Es war der Beginn einer einzigartigen künstlerischen Zusammenarbeit im Bereich der experimentellen Rockmusik. Der Einfluss der Band ist auch heute noch für viele internationale Musiker und Klangkünstler prägend." Weiter
BBC: "In his epic series, the Age of Terror, journalist Peter Taylor traces the modern history and development of terrorism through four major acts of terror over more than 30 years." Read on
Age of Terror - Part One
"The first programme in the series tells the extraordinary story of the 1976 hijacking of a plane by Palestinians in alliance with German Marxist revolutionaries." Read on
Age of Terror - Part Two
"In 1987, over 10 days, two dramatic events took place that altered the course of the IRA's activities in Northern Ireland." Read on
raster-noton.de: "COH PLAYS COSEY CD is the first part of an ongoing collaborative project between Ivan Pavlov/COH and Cosey Fanni Tutti known for her solo performances and work with Chris Carter/CTI as well as for being a part of the radical cultural phenomena COUM Transmissions and Throbbing Gristle."
BBC: "In the first of two reports from China, Robert Worby visits Beijing to investigate the thriving new music scenes, both official and unofficial. The programme includes electronic music by Zhang Xiaofu, who runs the city's electronic music festival, and a concert specially devised by the Beijing New Music Ensemble, playing music by three generations of Chinese composers. They range from Gao Weijie, of 'the lost generation' that had to go underground during Mao's time, to Zhang Shouwang, a twentysomething composer whose piece Xizhimen Traffic Lights was inspired by the incessant rhythms of downtown Beijing traffic." Listen here
wikipedia: "Generally regarded as one of the most important and influential UK electronic acts of the 1990s, their sound is usually categorized as techno, ambient techno, and IDM. Recurring themes of science fiction and futurism can be found in nearly all B12 releases and track names." Read on
The WIRE 292: "This is the second CD release as part of Ikeda's ongoing Datamatics project - the first was Dataplex, also released on Raster-Noton in 2005, Contemporary digital life is buoyed along on a vast, invisible wash and flow of data, in the form of texts, music, photos, films and so on. The idea of Test Patterns is to take extracts of this data and convert it into binary patterns, as demonstrated in the album's barcode cover artwork, and then into digital audio files. To listen to Test Patterns is to listen to the very stuff, the hitherto unheard chatter of the modern world."
The Pirate's Dilemma
"There are millions of books on amazon.com, and on average each will sell around 500 copies a year. The average American is reading just one book a year, and that number is falling. The problem (to quote Tim O’Reilly) isn’t piracy, it’s obscurity. (...) By treating the electronic version of a book as information rather than property, and circulating it as widely as possible, many authors such as Paulo Coelho and Cory Doctorow actually end up selling more copies of the physical version."
Order The Pirate's Dilemmafrom Amazon .com.de or .co.uk
The Future of the Internet — And How to Stop It
"This extraordinary book explains the engine that has catapulted the Internet from backwater to ubiquity—and reveals that it is sputtering precisely because of its runaway success. With the unwitting help of its users, the generative Internet is on a path to a lockdown, ending its cycle of innovation—and facilitating unsettling new kinds of control."
Order The Future of the Internet from Amazon .com.de or .co.uk
Urheberrecht im Alltag
"Nicht nur Musiker, Autoren und Künstler müssen sich heute mit dem Thema Urheberrecht beschäftigen, sondern auch Musikliebhaber und Internetnutzer. Fragen, die sich bei der Nutzung digitaler Medien stellen, sind für Laien nicht einfach zu beantworten. Und die Veränderungen im Urheberrecht geben sogar Juristen Rätsel auf.
iRights.info erklärt einfach und verständlich, was man beim Kopieren von CDs beachten muss: Welche Regeln gibt es, wenn man eigene Musik macht, Filme dreht oder Bücher schreibt? Wie funktionieren freie Lizenzen? Wie hat sich das Urheberrecht entwickelt? Und was bedeutet das für Autoren und Nutzer? iRights.info wurde 2006 mit dem Grimme Online Award ausgezeichnet. 2008 erhielt es den Klicksafe Preis für Sicherheit im Internet." Zum Download
dradio.de: "Der Essener Sozialpsychologe Harald Welzer nähert sich dem Klimawandel einmal nicht aus naturwissenschaftlicher Sicht, sondern nimmt seine kulturellen Auswirkungen ins Visier. Die Erderwärmung werde Veränderungen in den unterschiedlichsten Bereichen bewirken: in der Ernährung, in der Wirtschaftswelt und nicht zuletzt in der Sicherheitspolitik, die sich schon jetzt auf Ressourcenkonflikte und steigende Flüchtlingszahlen einstellt." <a href=www.dradio.de">Weiter
Ende der sechziger Jahre versuchten sich deutsche Rock- und Popmusiker in einem neuen, eigenständigen Stil. "Krautrock" nannten's die Briten. Henning Dedekind hat ein spannendes Buch darüber geschrieben: Mit vielen Interviews vermittelt es das Lebensgefühl einer Zeit, die stark unter dem Eindruck des Vietnam-Krieges und der Anti-Atomkraftbewegung stand." Weiter
wnyc.org: "As Arborea, Buck and Shanti Curran often make music in an old cabin on the shore of a lake in Maine. But this time they bring their string instruments, voices, and delicate, pine needle songs to WNYC for this in-studio performance on Spinning On Air." Listen here