Phonoverbände nehmen sechs Produkte aus den Charts
Der Bundesverband der Phonographischen Wirtschaft hat sechs Produkte aus den Musikcharts genommen, nachdem sich ein Verdacht auf Charts-Manipulationen gegen den Musikproduzenten David Brandes erhärtet habe. Bereits im März 2005 war ein entsprechender Verdacht aufgekommen. Mehr bei
"Best Buy customer Mike Bolesta simply wanted to purchase a car stereo. After being assured that a particular model would fit, he realized the Best Buy sales rep was incorrect (this sounds familiar). After being told the installation fee would be waived due to the error, he was able to get the correct stereo. When he got home, he received a call from Best Buy saying he needed to pay the fee. Upset about the horrible service he received, Mike decided to pay the $144 charge using only $2 bills. Now, there is no law against this. $2 bills are still legal tender here in the United States. He handed over 57 bills, and should have been able to be on his way. Instead, he was asked accusingly if they were real. Then they called the cops." More info
junge welt vom 08.03.2005:
"70 Prozent der Armen und zwei Drittel der Analphabeten sind weiblich. Frauen leisten nach Angaben von UNICEF weltweit 60 Prozent der Arbeitsstunden, erhalten aber nur zehn Prozent des Welteinkommens und besitzen nur ein Prozent des Weltvermögens."
Did you like my mp3 bookmarklet? Well if so, you will love the "Google multimedia searching device". You can use it to search for audio files like mp3 or ogg, archive files like zip or rar and even torrent files. An video function will be added soon. Check it out here.
An Italian DJ has been fined a record €1.4 million for using hundreds of pirate music files in a well-known local nightclub near Rome. The DJ was discovered with more than 2,000 mp3 music files suspected to be illegal downloads and 500 pirated video clips. Read more
Though he foresaw many ways in which Big Brother might watch us, even George Orwell never imagined that the authorities would keep a keen eye on your bin.
Residents of Croydon, south London, have been told that the microchips being inserted into their new wheely bins may well be adapted so that the council can judge whether they are producing too much rubbish.
If the technology suggests that they are, errant residents may be visited by officials bearing advice on how they might "manage their rubbish more effectively". Read the rest @ The Guardian Found at
remember when there was the fuzz about goolge not showing the Abu Ghraib photos? Google just recently did an update of its image database and here they are
Bei ist wiedermal ein Artikelchen von mir erschienen. Thema, wie der Titel dieses Postings schon sagt, sind die zahlreichen Erweiterungen des (meiner Meinaung nach) weltbesten Browsers.
Das Special wird wohl in drei Teilen erscheinen. Teil eins und zwei sind von mir geschrieben, Teil drei stammt vom Mo. Zum Plugin Special
I wrote an german article for the net-zine . The article is availible here and the Google translation here. The whole article consists of three parts, part two and three will be online soon. Here is a list of all the links from the article:
Found at
The excellent free peer-reviewed net-journal First Monday has published an exhaustive survey of the earnings made by British and German musicians. Their conclusion? Copyright doesn't give creators a living, and in many cases (such as clearing samples) it costs them more than they can afford.
"According to a GEMA (German collecting society) insider, only about 1,200 German composers can live from their creative output.
Only a small minority of artists reaches ordinary living standards from copyright income...
If an artist wants to include a sample from another record, major rights holders often insist on a controlling interest of 50 to 100 percent of the rights in the new track." Read the survey
Die Bundesbürger geben preis, was sie lieben, kaufen, lesen - oft ohne sich der Folgen bewusst zu sein. Konzerne horten die Daten und sortieren schlechte Kunden aus
Von Götz Hamann und Marcus Rohwetter
Es war genau ein Jahr vor 1984, und sie hatten Angst vor den Computern. Fürchteten, »total erfasst und verdatet« zu werden. Zur Ware zu werden in einem Daten-»Supermarkt«, in dem sich Behörden »nach Lust und Laune bedienen können«. Die Deutschen kannten George Orwells Visionen, und viele sahen die Volkszählung als ersten Schritt auf dem Weg in den Überwachungsstaat. »Pinkelst Du im Freien oder hast Du ein Klo?«, wolle der Staat wissen, schrieb die linke tageszeitung. »Duschst Du Dich?« Mehr
The high cost of getting permission to use archival footage and photos threatens to put makers of documentaries out of business.
As Americans commemorate Martin Luther King Jr. and his legacy today, no television channel will be broadcasting the documentary series Eyes on the Prize. Produced in the 1980s and widely considered the most important encapsulation of the American civil-rights movement on video, the documentary series can no longer be broadcast or sold anywhere.
Just a few days I posted a link to a great electronic remix of Johnny Cash's version of "I see a darkness" by DJ Acid Pauli (aka Console and member of The Notwist), which was a free track offered on his webpage as a free download.
Now it seems the track was removed because of Sony. DJ Acid Pauli was forced to remove the track. Disconizime another weblog which was also hosting this track, which made it into several "best of 2004" lists in Germany was also threatened by Sony. More info in german
Download stuff like Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 911 or Eminem's Mosh from (Never Forget). From the website:
"Never Forget brings together full movies and video clips to help you make the right choice on Tuesday."
Für ausländische Beobachter wirkt der amerikanische Wahlkampf der letzten Wochen wie eine endlose Aneinanderreihung von Phrasen und Kampfbegriffen, wie zum Beispiel: "Family Values", "Safety", "War on Terror" oder "Patriotism". Beide Parteien haben Sprachberater, die diese Formulierungen sorgfältig aussuchen und darauf achten, dass die Spitzenkandidaten diese Reizbegriffe so oft wie möglich verwenden. Einer der profiliertesten Sprach-Strategen der Demokraten ist George Lakoff, Professor für kognitive Linguistik an der Universität Berkeley. Mehr + mp3 download
You can do all sorts of things with music. You can listen to it once, twice, or as many times as you like. You can do it by yourself or with friends. You can give your favorite music as a present. Perhaps you'll be given music as a present yourself. Music you've never heard of and wouldn't otherwise have come across. You can talk about music during the day in the record shop and at home or at clubs in the evenings. Music is culture. And culture is life. More
..."The last three books of the ‘trilogy in five parts’, Life, The Universe And Everything; So Long And Thanks For All The Fish and Mostly Harmless, have been dramatised as two new series (none of them were previously produced for radio)."... More