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deutschlandfunk.de: "Booom! Basstöne sind wie Detonationen. Sie fahren in die Magengrube und lassen Kirchen, Kinos und Clubs erzittern. Als ästhetisches Ausdrucksmittel haben die tiefen Frequenzen ihre Spuren am deutlichsten in der Musik hinterlassen." Weiter

» Die Kultur der tiefen Töne

( 0 ) 13.03.18    Tag: Music

WNYC: "For this New Sounds, hear music that features African thumb piano, which in southern parts of Africa is called “mbira,” in Central Africa it’s “likembe,” in East Africa, the “kalimba,” in Cameroon, it’s called “sanza.” The instrument consists of a wooden board with attached staggered metal keys." Read on

( 0 ) 26.11.17    Tag: Music

( 0 ) 20.08.17    Tag: Wolf Alice

BBC: "Acclaimed percussionist Dame Evelyn Glennie has a lifelong passion for understanding how we are impacted by rhythm. She explores the evolution of musical rhythm over several millennia through different cultures, demonstrating how migration has impacted many different styles of music across generations and regions, and how the resulting fusions gave rise to new rhythms in contemporary music." Read on

» The History of Rhythm (mp3)

( 0 ) 13.11.16    Tag: Music

deutschlandfunk.de: "Bands wie Neu!, Cluster oder Der Plan haben die elektronische Musik in Deutschland geprägt - und stehen im Bezug zu Düsseldorf. Rüdiger Esch, selbst Musiker der Zeit, hat einen Sammelband über Düsseldorf und die Entwicklung deutscher Elektronik veröffentlicht. Auch die bekannteste Band Kraftwerk spielen eine wichtige Rolle, doch nicht alle von ihnen kommen zu Wort." Weiter

» Düsseldorf und die elektronische Musik (mp3)

( 0 ) 06.01.15    Tag: Music

( 0 ) 17.08.14    Tag: Music

"A six-part series traces a personal path through the evolving world of electronic music."

» These Hopeful Machines » via dasfilter.com

( 0 ) 11.08.14    Tag: Music

» Music By Arvo Pärt, From The Met Museum's Temple Of Dendur » Clap Your Hands Say Yeah - Only Run » Grime Int'l: a few of the current grime musicians from around the world » Play Live_Transmission: Joy Division Reworked » The Life of Bob Marley Through the Eyes of Photographer Dennis Morris

Tori Amos Interview (mp3) SWR2: "Auf ihrem 14. Studioalbums "Unrepentant Geraldines" lästert die US-Künstlerin über Themen wie NSA-Affäre und Älterwerden."

Dean Pleasants von Suicidal Tendencies (mp3) radioeins.de, 24.07.2013: "Sie sind das Original, denn sie haben das Genre „Skate Punk“ geprägt, wie keine andere Band. Die „Suicidal Tendencies“ haben sich vor über 30 Jahren in der WG des Sängers Mike Muir im kalifornischen Venice Beach gegründet." Weiter

( 0 ) 04.06.14    Tag: Music

Wooden Shjips (Live on KEXP 2011-08-27) (youtube) Wooden Shjips (Live on KEXP 2011-08-27) (mp3)

( 0 ) 07.01.14    Tag: Music

Justus Köhncke: The Wonderful Frequency Band Cut Chemist remixes french Punk from the 80s Clark - XLR8R Podcast 320 choubi choubi! folk & pop sounds from iraq vol. 2 Scuba 60 min Boiler Room Berlin mix Josephine Foster I'm A Dreamer

When Words Don't Matter [mp3] WNYC: "For this New Sounds, hear a hypnotic work of vocal layers from the electronic duo Matmos, Nico Muhly, Paul Lansky, Joan LaBarbara and Meredith Monk, who both use the sounds of German words in works, and none of the words matter." Read on

( 0 ) 10.11.13    Tag: Music

The Vital Weekly Podast 872 (Tracklist)

Karl Bartos - Interview - Radioeins 05.03.2012 radioeins.de: "Bis 1990 war Karl Bartos Mitglied bei der Band Kraftwerk. Danach begann der heute 60jährige eine Karriere u.a. als Solokünstler. „Off the record“ wird sein neues Album heißen, das am 15.März erscheint. Wie der Albumtitel vermuten lässt, waren die Songs darauf eigentlich nicht für die Öffentlichkeit bestimmt. Nun ja, manchmal kommt es anders als gedacht. Auf „Off the record“ hat Karl Bartos aus Rhythmen, Hooks, Sounds und Melodien, die er in der erfolgreichsten Zeit der Elektro-Band Kraftwerk komponiert hat, zwölf neue zeitlose Songs gemacht."

( 0 ) 10.03.13    Tag: Music



( 0 ) 04.03.13    Tag: Music

Pole – Liveset at Boilerrom [CTM Festival | 24.1.2013] Kangding Ray Boiler Room Berlin LIVE Show

Did Cycling Kill Kraftwerk? thebikeshow.net: "On the eve of Kraftwerk’s eight night residency at the Tate Modern, Jack is joined by David Buckley, music writer and author of a new biography of the German electronic pop pioneers. Among the revelations in his book is evidence that a serious obsession with cycling contributed to the slowing of the band’s musical output in the 1980s and, ultimately, the break-up of the group’s classic line-up." Read on

( 0 ) 02.02.13    Tag: Music

Interview with Sam Phillips, founder of Sun Studio, from 2002 Here, he describes how his poor upbringing among both blacks and whites influenced his career, creating his drive to work with everyone who walked through Sun's door despite attitudes in the South at the time." Stream the interview at www.npr.org

Bob Dylan's Copyright Extension Collection WNYC: "The 50th Anniversary Collection: The Copyright Extension Collection, Vol. 1, released by Sony Music at the very end of 2012, exists solely for the purpose of extending the label's European copyright over the rare recordings for an additional 20 years. Only 100 physical copies were released in a handful of European record stores." Stream at wnyc.org

Scott Walker On World Cafe Scott Walker possesses one of the greatest and most distinctive voices of the last quarter-century. To the pop world, he's best known for his work with The Walker Brothers in the 1960s. For a time, Walker's stardom rivaled that of The Beatles — and even then, he pushed the envelope and shaped a sound that interested him. His music is personal, complex and inventive, always presenting sounds and forms that haven't been heard before. Lyrically, Walker can be dark yet caustically funny, obscure but always completely thought out." Stream the interview at npr.org

FOUR TET - JUST JAM 86 Mix ON WED 16 FEB FOUR TET GRACED THE JUSTJAM STUDIO AND PLAYED A SEMINAL SET FULL OF “mad rare weird cosmic records,” Download at dontwatchthat.tv

Pop Ambient 2013 Stream Kompakt's Pop Ambient 2013 at www.residentadvisor.net Some Info at www.kompakt.fm

Richard Chartier - Secret Thirteen Mix 051 secretthirteen.org: "Richard Chartier (b. 1971), an American minimalism movement musician, sound artist and designer, also co-founder of the respectable LINE records. Secret Thirteen Mix 051 is a carefully measured versatile audio collage that connects and reveals 31 notable records from the such gifted musicians as Zoviet France, Demdike Stare, Felix Kubin, Bruce Gilbert, Rhythm & Sound and many other." Download here

( 0 ) 27.01.13    Tag: Music

Johnny Cash and the Forgotten Prison Blues BBC: "How singer Johnny Cash's experiences performing concerts in jails across the US turned him into a passionate prison reformer"

Abstract Soundscapes WNYC: "For this New Sounds, listen to some abstract soundscapes from Poland, from Berlin via an Icelandic composer, and from Brooklyn-based musicians as well. Hear a soundscape from the Berlin-based Icelandic one-woman band Kira Kira, from her record Feathermagnetik." Read on

Touch Radio 89 | Richard Francis/Rosy Parlane/Rachel Shearer "Recorded at the Now! Here! Festival to celebrate the launch of the book Erewhon Calling: Experimental Sound in New Zealand." Read on

Hacking The Human Body: Meet Daito Manabe "Daito Manabe uses electrical impulses as an artistic medium, creating music through reactions of the human nervous and muscular systems." Read on. Via crackajack.de

RADIOHEAD Roseland Ballroom NYC 2011-09-29 The Brandt Brauer Frick Ensemble live in Podgorica (2012) The Vital Weekly Podast 856 (Tracklist) Bob Marley: Live in Santa Barbara 1979 (complete concert)



( 0 ) 07.01.13    Tag: Music

SWR: "Eine "körpergebundene Kleinanlage für hochwertige Wiedergabe von Hörereignissen" meldete der Aachener Erfinder Andreas Pavel 1977 zum Patent an. Zwei Jahre später fand das japanische Unternehmen Sony einen kürzeren Namen für das Ding: Walkman. Kopfhörer auf, Cassette an und los: Musik zum Mitnehmen." Weiter

Music to go

( 0 ) 07.01.13    Tag: Music

Björk - Mutual Core Björk - Mutual Core: The Making of Andy Stott - Luxury Problems [Full Album]

( 0 ) 02.12.12    Tag: Music

US radio station has put together a mix of electronic music consisting of more than 200 tracks. Stream the mix at www.npr.org

( 0 ) 03.11.12    Tag: Music

James Blake live in Vienna (2012) (Video) Matthew Dear performing "Earthforms" Live on KCRW Minimal China - Techno im Reich der Mitte

( 2 ) 03.11.12    Tag: Music

Downloads beim Radiohörer:

( 0 ) 22.10.12    Tag: Music

( 0 ) 19.10.12    Tag: Music

Krautrock Radio ABC: "Krautrock was a pulse, a spontaneous eruption from the depths of the post-war German psyche, a seminal moment in the birth of electronic music. Bands like Can, Neu, Harmonia, Amon Düül, Faust and of course Kraftwerk coalesced around a common desire to take rock music beyond the blues into a realm of pure improvisation and experimentation. In the process they became sonic prophets, messengers from the future. Tom Morton and Timothy Nicastri take to the autobahn." Read on

Grizzly Bear Performs Shields Live at WNYC WNYC: "In anticipation of Grizzly Bear's latest album Shields, the band dropped by WNYC's Greene Space for an exclusive preview of the new material. It was a short, but lovely set that highlighted some of the record's best songs" Watch the performance at WNYC.org

Steve Jones - guitarist from the Sex Pistols (Video) "Steve Jones - guitarist from the Sex Pistols and Jonesy's Jukebox DJ - talks about his career and the 35th anniversary of "Never Mind the Bollocks" with Tim Quirk, Head of Global Content Programming for Android at Google. This talk took place at Google LA on September 17, 2012."

Made in Taiwan - Dronecast 25 cartilage consortium: "enterely based on taiwanese vinyl and tape material freshly collected in Taipei: expect mandarin disco pop, children songs, easy listening, marimba orchestras or library stock music for bars and night clubs, with a certain amount of cover songs involving western or japanese melodies." Read on

BunZer0 - Dubby Sunday Afternoon "Dubstep with strong Jamaican Dub influences"

( 0 ) 12.10.12    Tag: Music

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