Limited edition of 2950 copies made/pressed in Germany for the Goethe Institute, Sao Paulo, Brazil. All include a comprehensive 14-page booklet with texts in Brazilian Portuguese. Only 150 copies remained for sale in Germany/Europe. The other 2800 copies were sent to the Goethe Institute & went lost there, possibly for ever! Source
A1 S.B.O.T.H.I. - Meio 1
A2 Cranioclast - "... And Even When They Are Shadowing The Skies ..."
A3 P16 D4* - Driesbach
A4 Gerechtigkeits Liga - Zyklus Beats / In Excelsis Zyklus
A5 Graf Haufen - Scanning / Nature Is Noise Enough
A6 Mullah - Starve To Death
B1 H.N.A.S. - Quietschend Laut Und Ungestüm (Es War Nicht Mein Tag)
B2 Cinéma Vérité - Gebetsmühlen
B3 Frieder Butzmann / Thomas Kapielski - Rausch, Leiden Und Gesang
B4 Werkbund - Unter Der Stadt 3
B5 S.B.O.T.H.I. - Meio 2