Was born 1968 in Graz, Austria. She studied composition with Erich Urbanner at the Vienna Academy of Music and Performing Arts.Her MA thesis was on the use of music in the Alain Resnais film "L 'amour à mort ". During that period she also studied at the Electroacoustic Institute. During 1985-86 she studied composition and theory with Elinor Armer at the Conservatory of Music in San Francisco, a well as fine art and film at the Art College. From 1993-94 she studied with Tristan Murail in Paris, and took part in the "Stage d 'Informatique Musicale" at IRCAM, Paris. Her opera "Bählamms Fest " was performed during the "Wiener Festwochen" in 1999. She is working on an opera following the film "Lost Highway" by David Lynch for 2003. Taken from: www.kairos-music.com