Popular culture's junkyard -- full of cast-away late-night TV commercials, '60s game show kitsch, and the stiff docudramas of after-school special high moralism -- is the sonic junkyard for the mongrel plunderphonics of People Like Us. The sole work of British samplist Vicki Bennett, People Like Us giddily recounts pop culture's follies as a never-ending stream of conscious joke told through a Dadaist reshuffling of cut-up source material. Bennett's fiendishly funny proto-electronica collages are diced with gasping oohs and aahs, highly suggestive vocal snippets from suave announcers, well placed fart noises, and punctuations of brash Herb Alpert-esque horn blasts. Her aural pranks build a context that is downright naughty without ever relying on a punchline. [Read More]