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October 24, 2004 at 9:00:59 PM CEST
Hi Swen. I really enjoy your weblog and I was really interested to see your entry on netaudio. I'm glad you've started getting into the netaudio scene. There is so much to explore that it can be very overwhelming. I have some suggestions for site that you might be interested in in addition to the ones you have already cited in your posting. Squares Cubed :: www.squarescubed.com is the homepage for my netaudio only radio show. I have the latest two shows archived on the main page and another page full of archived shows. All are free to download/stream in mp3 format. Zero Transmission :: zerotrans.blogspot.com is a related side project of mine. Its an mp3blog that only features free/legally downloadable music. Most of the content is from netlabels but not all of it. I hope you can take a few moments to check these two sites out because I believe they will be of interest to you and your readers. ... link
September 28, 2007 at 5:21:23 PM CEST
reply I think your weblog is really cool, you must have spent a while building it right ? ... link
December 11, 2007 at 6:37:54 PM CET
London’s first festival dedicated to free Internet music hosts a divers education and exchange programme. It informs about emerging Internet and Music software technologies as well it explores their cultural impact in Music production and consumption.... link ... comment |
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